Thursday, November 6, 2014

November Thanks Day 6 - The Kiddos

Last day of sports camp
Making kiflis with Grandma
I couldn't very well spend a bit of each day giving thanks, and not mention my kids. They are, after all, the greatest gifts God decided to bestow upon me (although, they do drive me nuts a lot of the time). Instead of focusing on all the reasons I am thankful for them, I have decided to focus on some of my favorite things about them this year, and do that with pictures since no amount of word manipulating would be able to replace the looks on their faces.

Posing in front of the tooth fairy letter
Valentine's Day

Getting little brother ready for his birthday at school

First week of school
Letter my daughter made to the tooth fairy for her brother

A super hero and his side kick
Posin' with the space dude at the Museum of Flight

Finding shells on the beach at Vashon

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