Monday, November 24, 2014

November Thanks Day 24 - Holiday Fun

Yesterday the kids, my dad, and I kicked off the holidays by doing a walk through at our local park. Every year they will the entire park with pretty lights and displays, and the Sunday prior to it opening, they open it up to the public to walk, instead of drive, through. The last time I had been was on a date with my husband almost 8 years ago. We drove through, were disappointed, and vowed not to go back as the park charged to see a lit up sign placed maybe every 10 or so feet, nothing fancy or impressive. Last year, my parents took the kids and ooh'ed and awed about it for the entire month of December. I decided that it was time to give the walk through a try.

 For a while, because of how sick my son was, it looked like we may not be able to do it, plus the weather is usually really yucky in Washington State every fall/winter. Scarily, yesterday morning we woke up to a monsoon going on outside, and reports that it would probably rain that evening. By noon, though, the sun was out and the ground began to dry. That evening was perfect, no rain, very little wind, and warm enough that with brisk walking my daughter took her jacket off.

Area sponsored by Clover Park Tech
The lights were pretty, the music was fun, and all of the volunteers were cheery. The kids, my dad, and I had a wonderful time staring at the lights, looking at the different sponsors (his employer had a sponsor/set up there), and being able to spend some quality time together while being mesmerized by everything around us. Don't get me wrong, driving through would be pretty spectacular too, but being able to slowly walk made it feel like we were enveloped in a winter wonderland.

I am very thankful that we were able to go, that the weather held up, that my son was doing alright enough to make the trek, and that I decided to just do it instead of backing out at the last minute. It was fun, and we will definitely be doing it again (although, big regret of the evening is that I left my good camera at home, and had the poor one on my Kindle for the picture perfect moments).

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