Friday, November 7, 2014

November Thanks Day 7 - Freedoms

Photo from
As this is the weekend prior to Veteran's Day, it only seems fitting that I should make a nod to how thankful I am for all of the freedom's God's men and women of the United State's military have granted me. I am immensely thankful for being able to worship how I choose, speak my mind, and go to sleep at night without fear. Though I know that these freedom's are not guaranteed, or promised, for life and that there is a constant fear they may some day be gone. Because freedom is bought with a price, yet not permanent, it is even more valuable in the moments it is here. Thank you to the many men and women who lost their lives buying this ability for all of us, and to those who have been willing to make that ultimate sacrifice.

And, a request to all to not let those sacrifices be in vain, and to make decisions/vote/petition in ways that will keep ALL of our rights and freedoms (even the ones some of you do not love, like the first and second amendments) available for multiple generations to come. Though we all love to blame politicians for sticky predicaments (myself included), our government is put in place by us, the people. Lets choose wisely, everyone (and yes, I know voting is over for now. Still good to keep in mind).
photo from

Remember to thank/hug a veteran for what they have given you!

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