Friday, November 14, 2014

November Thanks Day 14 - The Grandparents

Today, I am thankful for the role my parents have taken with my kids. Though I know they were not in love with the idea of being Grandparents so soon, they have truly taken on every aspect of loving their Grandchildren that is humanly possible.

When we have not had a way of transporting the kids to different lessons, events, appointments, etc my parents have done it. Whenever the kids perform in anything (even a five minute skit at school) my parents and Grandmother are there. They have made every single effort possible to let the kids know that they mean everything and are important, worthy of spending time on and with.

My mom cooks with the kids, and decorates cakes for them. My dad builds things and takes them hiking. My mom rides roller coasters, and buys them any clothing she thinks they may need or like. They have both built traditions with the kids, and my kids know that my parents will always be there for them so long as they are living.

Thanks mom and dad for being the best grandparents these kids could ask for!

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