Sunday, November 23, 2014

November Thanks Day 23 - My Son

I know I have already done a post about my kids, so this may seem a little redundant; however, please understand that my baby boy has been very sick for a over a week. At first we thought it was the flu, then maybe a bad cold, then bronchitis, only to find out he had the croup and another nasty virus attached. We went through breathing treatments, loss of work, and a lot of worry over how this little guy was doing.
At the dr's office
Then, yesterday, he randomly felt up to playing outside. We let him under the orders to take it easy (any action of any sort would leave him coughing so hard he would physically choke and start throwing up). After an hour, he was running like normal and not coughing at all. We were able to proceed as normal with his play practice this morning, and Sunday school. He seemed a little wiped out, rested on the couch a bit, and then headed out with us to a Christmas lights walk through. I had the inhaler with me, and a plan, in case he needed to stop and the last day and a half of his doing well went away. This kid went through everything like a champ. Walked two miles, laughed, acted like a normal kid and coughed maybe three times.
After play practice.

In line with his sister

Happy with the pretty lights!
Why is this blog worthy? For a mom, it's always a relief when the babies are getting their health back. I am very, very grateful that this is passing, and that we do not have to make an emergency trip that we were told to monitor for. God is good :)

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