Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November Thanks Day 19 - The Sucessful Resolution

Every year I carefully make my resolutions. Usually they are the same, which is probably the case for all of us. Yet, I continue to make them with due diligence because may this time will be different. Maybe year XXXX will have that extra oomph to it to make me carry out the 10 or so things that I'd like to do, yet cannot seem to get around to by the time July is here (or, in most cases, February when the resolution excitement has waned). I actually made some really good ones last year (which, if curiosity leads you, can be found here), but sadly did not keep any that were made with my original resolutions.

Sounds odd to have a thankful post about resolutions that were failed, right? Well, you see I belong to this yearly blogging community who reflects for the entire month of December about the year that has passed, and how what was learned that year will carry on into the new one (I love it, and can't wait to start up again next month). It's pretty incredible, and has helped me with a lot of personal growth.

One of the things I wrote about was trying new things. I resolved, with the best of them, to try at least one new thing every month so that I could push myself into having new experiences. And, you know what, that is a resolution I actually kept! I do not recall if I actually did something every single month, but what I did do was remove the limits I normally would have had against myself, and for that I am thankful.

Here is the grand list (at least, all that I can remember):

  • I went to Zoo lights - I'd been once as a child, but can't really remember it, so it doesn't count.
  • I touched a tiger shark.

Reyna and her brother touching the
tiger shark

  • I touched an armadillo.
  • I touched an alligator (and, no, I didn't do all of those on the same days or at the same time).
  • I walked on a suspension bridge that was swinging, and did not freak out!
My dad and the kids on the bridge

  • I actually completed hikes on Mount Rainier, and off of it as well. This one may not count as I walked a trail the year before, but I did it in flip flops in the snow, lasted half a mile, and then had to stop. I did not actually complete the end goal of where we wanted to go (nor do I remember if we had any such goal). I'd also been on the mountain twice before with Ken. One time we hiked for 10 minutes and decided it was too cold, and the second time we made it to the parking lot and said, nope, lets go home. So, to me, this counts as a "first".
The switchback up a trail

The face of sweat after completing
a difficult hike

The view from that trail

  • I saw my first real waterfall that was bigger than the mini ones you see on the side of the mountains (I actually visited two this summer). I'd been on top of one before, but was too chicken to do the steep climb down to actually see it.

  • I personally BBQ'ed for the first time ever (I always let others do it, never myself)
Tell me that doesn't look delicious!

  • I took my kids to their first stage musical to see Tarzan, which I had not seen before either.
  • I went on the Ducks in Seattle, which normally would embarrass me like none other.
  • I have personally held, and fed, a squirrel.
Our guest at my daughter's 8th birthday party

  • I went to an island for the first time in my life.
  • While on that island, I got to see my first ever lighthouse
Lighthouse at Vashon Island

  • I took the kids to every single museum Tacoma has to offer, minus the car museum because I'm not sure how they'll react to it.
The kids and I at Union Station

  • I went inside my first ever haunted house. Like a scary one, completely as far away from the Haunted Mansion at Disney as one can really get. I wish I had gotten pictures of that one, pretty sure the looks on our faces would have been pretty priceless!
  • I walked around all day with a fake mustache on my face (spirit day at work).

  • Took a tour of the Museum of Flight with an actual docent (which is way better than wandering through alone, trust me).
  • I took myself and some friends to a few movies. This may sound crazy, but I personally have never done that as I've always waited for my husband, or dad, to want to go see something. I don't like driving, but finally decided if I wanted to see something I don't need to wait for anyone. So I found people who wanted to go, and made it happen.
  • I went to an outdoor movie with the kids and my dad. It was so fun, and so beautiful. Cannot wait for next summer to do it again!
  • Though I have not done this one yet, on Sunday I will get to go on my first walk through of Fantasy Lights, which is something I have been wanting to do for at least two years now, and finally just decided to buy the tickets for the darned thing.
I know there is more that I have done this last year, but I honestly cannot remember it all. I am just thankful that I had enough to fill up every single month this year, and then some. Cannot wait to see what else I can accomplish for the first time  between now and January!

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