Thursday, November 13, 2014

November Thanks Day 13 - Oh the Stress!

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I am a few days behind in my thanks (which I will make up for, I promise).  The reason for being behind is that life has come along, as it usually does, and has overwhelmed the heck out of me with things that need to get done, and figuring out how to get even more done (like become a magician… With my budget). 

While I know none of this sounds like any sort of grateful, November thanks like post, it really is. Today, what I am really thankful for is the ability to know that despite all of the crazy (and boy, is there ever crazy), I am able to wake up in a safe environment and continue the daily battles of life. 

There are so many people around the world who’s primary concern is how to live just one more day, how to escape extremists, how to feed themselves and their children, how to find a place to live, and a way to stay warm. Anyone who has seen even two minutes worth of news should be aware that truly terrible things are happening around the world. There is so much happening that it is hard to keep the heart full of warmth and hope in seeing it all. It is also hard to keep everything in perspective while still having a heart full of empathy. Hard stuff right there.

So what am I thankful for on this particular Thursday in November? I am thankful that I am able to wake up and not worry about whether or not my daughter will be able to receive an education because of her gender. I am thankful that even though our house isn’t Kardashian sized with the style of Martha Stewart, it is a house and we are not living on the street or in some sort of shelter. Also, I am thankful that I am able to go to sleep at night, and not have the fear of my family being woken up and attacked, and taken from our beds in the middle of the night.

Basically, I am thankful today that I have the stresses of a budget, how to keep an immaculate house, whether or not I can lose that 20 pounds by Christmas, how to be that work superstar, getting that A+ in school (for myself and my kids), and how to make my relationships stronger. So, thank you, stress for making me focus on the fact that I am lucky. I am so lucky that I have you in my life in the forms you take (some times my fault, and some times not), and allowing me to live in comfort with minimal suffering – or, as some would call it, #firstworldproblems! And thank you, stress, for reminding me to pour out my heart in prayer for those who truly need to exert every effort to live another day. 

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