Tuesday, December 9, 2014

#Reverb14 Day 9 Shades of Gray

Today asks "[a]s you enter into the new year, what would you like to do/make/have/be more often? How will you bear witness and celebrate the tiny milestones? How will you respond on the occasions when your intentions do not come to pass?"

I would like to continue my resolution of last year in trying new things. Simply starting the year with that attitude left me mentally open to trying most everything that came my way. Besides, I have already started a small list of things I would like to do in 2015!

As for making... I would like to actually make some of the sewing projects that I have lined up, plus bake more with my kids. In doing both of those things, I will be making more time to spend directly with them, which is always the ultimate goal.

I would like to have more of an attitude of lovingness instead of anger, irritation, and judgment. Also, I would like to strengthen my faith in this next year, to eliminate all questions. And, I would like to have a happy bank account with something in it (doesn't have to be much) at all times.

I would like to be in the present more often. Most of the times my mind is on work, homework, the tv, Facebook, my phone, etc. While doing that, I rob my family of the opportunity of sharing their lives with me. In worrying so much about posting where I am at, I miss moments of the family activity we are taking part in. Also, by holding the camera in front of my face so much, I limit my view of our activities to only what the lens picks up.

Next year, I would like milestones to be celebrated family style. We have some big ones coming up, so it would be nice to have each person write a few ideas down, put them in a jar, and when a milestone is reached, one idea will be pulled out and acted on. Little things like a family game night, or home made banana splits.

Lastly, I will try to respond to those situations by coming up with a more positive plan B. Instead of simply sulking, being upset, I will choose to take the active road to make something happen instead of nothing. For example, maybe my birthday plans with friends will fall through, but I will still get up, go out, and do something with my little family. Or maybe I will not get the job that I want to get, but will spend some time revamping my resume, and searching for a different opportunity. Any action is better than none!

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