Thursday, December 4, 2014

#Reverb14 Day 4 Energy of the Year

Welcome to #Reverb14 day 4, the prompt for the day is: "We are all lightning rods, conduits for that which the Universe wants born into this world. What energies did you channel this year?".

Well... Honestly... I think the energy was pretty much determination until a few months ago. I found a way to dig deep down inside and just do the work that needed to be done to get my degree completed. I have always, always, always been a procrastinator, but vowed at some point to just suck it up and do what needed to be done. Shockingly, I defied all odds and did just that. Between March and September I completed 9 courses and one major test, and since then (three short months, basically), I have finished 6. I still have more to go, along with another huge test, but I know now that it is possible. And I decided to become a double major instead of single - more work, but more stability in the long run.

I will admit the whole year has not been the energy of breakthroughs and power. The last few months have brought out a frustration level in me that I have not felt in years, and have brought about feelings of hysteria. I blame it on homework, but honestly I have come to terms with the fact that I am just not a perfect mom, wife, employee, etc. Coming to terms with that has helped immensely, and hearing sermons reminding me to just cast all of my worries on God. I am working on going from doing this all in theory, to actually doing it daily.

Next year, I may just be able to channel all of the good points together, and blast through to some form of success!

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