Saturday, December 13, 2014

#Reverb14 Day 13 Writing

And the prompt of the day is: "On writing: Chances are, if you’re participating in #reverb it’s because you like writing. Or at least want to like writing. Writing is like a muscle. Use it or lose it. What do you do every day to hone your craft? Or, what would you like to do each day to contribute to your writing? "

I absolutely love writing, which is probably hard to believe since I so rarely do it outside of homework. I used to blog a lot, but then life got in the way, and it became much harder to drum up the energy to even have a subject matter to write about. And that is what I would like to change. Every year, I participate in #Reverb, and every year I have a blast having that much of daily writing. Next year, I would like to fix the blog up, actually have it polished up and not generic. Also settle on an official blog name since I keep bouncing with different titles. And, in doing all of that, I would like to write a minimum of twice a week. It's not much, not enough to be a career blogger (but that's not been my goal for years), but it is enough to have an outlet, and get myself out there again.

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