Tuesday, December 2, 2014

#Reverb Day 2 - Beautiful

Today's prompt is "Gorgeous: When did you feel beautiful this year? Why?"

I'm sure there have been several instances when I felt beautiful this year, but without taking the time to go through every single picture taken in 2014 (I have realized in the last few minutes that I may have a problem when it comes to documenting things image wise) so I will simply list the top three.

1. About two weeks ago my son woke up crying with body pain. He hurt everywhere and was having a hard time thinking strait. After getting him some pain medication and juice, I simply held him and sang. Those of you who have been so unfortunate as to hear my vocal chords in their full array know that this was not necessarily a blessing for my kid. What it did for me, though, was make me realize that I was able to sooth pain away by doing some very basic comforting. As a mom, that moment made me feel beautiful.

2. Over the summer, my kids and I hung out a lot. At one point, my son asked if he could give me a makeover. When he was complete, he told me I was beautiful. No, I was not runway ready (nor, for that matter, will I ever be), but in his little eyes he'd made me into perfection. At that moment, I felt beautiful.
My makeover

3. Another thing that we did over the summer was a lot of hiking. At least, attempted hiking since my body did not want to seem to cooperate. At a few points, on different hikes, I simply had to turn back since I could tell if I pressed on I would not be able to finish the hike and would probably collapse. My daughter, ever the wonderful companion, would instantly offer to hang out with mom and keep me company, instead of getting to go off and see new sites herself. The first time this happened, she and I took our time going back, taking pictures of each other, and pointing out different views we wanted to remember. In that moment, with my daughter as my best friend, I felt beautiful.

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