Sunday, December 14, 2014

#Reverb14 Day 14 One Word

One word: What one word could describe your 2014?

I think the word that best describes 2014 for me is expeditious. The whole year felt as though I was speedily going from one place to the next as though I was on a race against the clock, and if I lost that all the blocks for my life would tumble (theoretically, of course).

At first I was going to try to graduate early, then it seemed impossible and I said to heck with it, then decided... Why  not, lets give this a big push and see (I made the deadline, by the way, just wasn't financially possible to take time off work for the finish this year). I went from one class to another like I had a fire chasing me - I might add that my scores were pretty good, though. I did the same with state exams thinking I had more time, finding out I didn't, and then doing a mad rush to get it completed. The same can be said for my family life in having one thing after another to rush to. Now that we're at the end of the year, I am feeling it all catch up to me, and am beginning to crash in every way possible.

It is hard, I see so many people rushing about, accomplishing a lot on a daily basis, and they all seem fine. On the other hand, we're all different, and at the end of my year I can look back and say that I accomplished a lot, and learned that, when pushed, I can achieve near anything I set my mind to (if only that worked for winning the lottery). So, yes, expeditious is my word, and I'm sticking to it. I completed much at a rush, and did so relatively well. Sadly, I have a feeling 2015 will be ending on much of the same note, but that is okay since 2016 will be completely different!

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