Thursday, December 11, 2014

#Reverb14 Day 11 Rituals

"What tiny rituals: signal that your day is starting; help you ease into a creative project; give you closure from an intensive task; or mark other significant milestones in your day? What new rituals would you like to create in the new year?"

This question had me quietly chuckling to myself. What rituals do I have to get my day started? Hmm... Running around like a maniac realizing I pressed the snooze button a few too many times would pretty much sum it all up! The ritual for easing into a task? Wait until the very last possible moment, have a private mental break down, and run like crazy until things are completed. I do have a fun one for reaching daily milestones, I have an app where I track what needs to be done, and as I complete them I hear a joyous "ding" to tell me it has been completed. That "ding" oddly, makes me have my own party in my head, complete with nerdy dancing!

For the upcoming year, I would actually like to provide myself with breathing room. Maybe start by getting up an hour earlier,  plan ahead on tasks and start them in advance (I have worked on this on a lot this year). Anything that can take me from maniac status to normal human being, that would be good. Plus, it will help model for the kids how situations should be handled, and how the day should be greeted (normally, I sound like a marine sergeant ordering his troops into battle "everyone up, go, go, go!!!).

1 comment:

  1. I like the sound of that 'ding'! Good luck for next year!
