Friday, December 19, 2014

#Reverb14 Day 19 A Year in Signs

Today, I invite you to consider: what sorts of signs and symbols have recurred for you in 2014? Think: repeating colours, shapes, people, sayings, music, images, ideas. Where could they possibly be leading you?

I have shared privately, on my own Facebook account, some of the things I have felt followed me (almost stalker like) for the entirety of 2014. The main item that was quietly, yet loudly in its own right, there was a verse. Just a really, really simple Bible verse that I did not realize upon hearing at our sports camp would be everywhere I turned.

The verse is as follows: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

What I did not realize is that my Grandmother had given me a coffee mug as a Christmas present last year that had this very verse printed on it. Though I had read the mug, it did not register with me until after our sports camp in June when all of the campers (my children included) had to memorize this gem. Then, one day over the summer, I wanted some tea, pulled the mug out, and my jaw dropped.

Fast forward a few months, and the verse would keep popping up. It was in my Facebook feed from other friends, a friend used a picture with the verse front and center as her cover page, I'd open my Bible to a random passage and it would be right there.

Every single time this verse popped its significant self up, I had either just gone through something difficult, or was facing a decision of what to do that would alter the course of our year. I would be internally freaking out, and those words "For I know the plans I have for you...plans to give you a hope and a future" would be there, staring at me.

The word "plans" is hugely powerful. We all make them, we all get cranky when we break them or someone/thing breaks them with/for us. Knowing that there is someone out there who has a known plan for all of us, and that the plan is for good and not evil, is so comforting. This was my year of plans for myself. Plans that I did not anticipate, or had felt as though they would fail if I went for them (self sabotaging as my husband calls it). Plans I had the best of intentions with. Some happened, and some did not. At the end of the day, I know that the right plans will take place, and that I will walk right in line with where I am supposed to be (hopefully, with much prayer and focus with what He wants).


  1. I really like the surrender implicit in this verse. You can make all the plans you like... but larger (and benevolent) forces are at work. Perhaps you are being invited to lean in and trust this, and stop pushing yourself so hard?

    1. I never thought of it that way, definitely makes sense though, and something to meditate on!
