Monday, December 8, 2014

#Reverb14 Day 8 Hero

Hero: Who was your hero this year? Tell us why. What makes a hero in your eyes?

My hero this year was my daughter. Though she is only 8 years old, she has taught me so much about just continuing to plug away at life, and to just roll with the punches. She has problems in school, yet never gives up, or lets it affect her level of enthusiasm for learning. In fact, she is always excited to get up, greet the day, and learn even more. Not only that, but she is one who is able to accept anyone's mood or attitude, and still be as happy, and bubbly, as ever. Mom has a bad day, she quietly accepts it and continues about life as though nothing ever happened.

To add to that, she is keenly aware of other's sufferings. If anyone is having a bad day, she is the first to offer a hug and try to listen and understand. For every homeless person she sees, she offers up a chirpy "hello" and tries to give them something whether it's some change, water, or any snack she may have on her.

My daughter is also a little mama to her brother, and has been since birth. As a just turned 2 year old, she could instantly tell what his cries meant, and would run off to fetch formula or diapers based on what she thought he needed. Fast forward six years, and she can be heard quietly (some times loudly) giving him lectures about life, and helping him with homework. She is also his school monitor, making certain Bub's gets where he needs to be on time, and that he doesn't hang out with "the bad kids". Though by the time he hits his teens, I'm sure he will want to clobber his sister, I hope he will some day realize how much of a support she really is.
First time ever holding baby brother
My biggest hope is that she will be treated the way she deserves by me as her mother, her father, her brother, and her future husband. That and that she realizes her self worth, and never strays from what we have taught her.