Sunday, December 21, 2014

#Reverb14 Day 21 Ruminations

Today, I'd like you to revisit what you wrote on 1 December on the first day of Reverb14.

How does that compare to where you are now i.e. what can you say today with certainty?

Then, without thinking too hard about it, grab a pen and some paper and finish the following sentences:

In 2015, I am open to...
In 2015, I want to feel...
In 2015, I will say no to...
In 2015, I will know I am on the right track when… But when I find myself veering off course, I will gently but firmly…
In December 2015, I want to look back and say...
First off, let me just say wow that #Reverb has already come to a close, and 2015 is literally right around the corner. I do not think I have ever experienced a year fly by as quickly as 2014 has (please, please do not let that be a hint of how the years to come will be!). The last few weeks of daily prompts have been fun, and I am already looking forward to doing this again, next year.
Without further adieu, here is my last #reverb prompt of 2014!
In 2015 I am open to... New experiences. I want to open myself up to the joy and possibilities of seeing myself grow in my career, I also want to open myself up to new experiences within my marriage and with my kids. I do not want to let fear hold me back from anything. I know that I will always worry, always be fearful, but I can still jump when needed (so long as I'm not being stupid, but that's a topic for a different post).
In 2015, I want to feel... Healthy, spiritual, and successful. I am done with being tired all the time, and feeling like a blob. I am also tired of questioning my spirituality and being constantly worried over the state of affairs in my religious mind. And I am done feeling like I am unsuccessful because of what I do for a living. I am almost done with school, and have worked hard to have experience for my resume when I need it most. Time to feel good about that!
In 2015, I will say no to... Being used, letting people treat me as a second rate friend (or, worse, a friend who is benched for most of the "game"), and guilt.
In 2015, I will know I am on the right track when... My spirit is calm because I know I am doing what He wants, even if the rest of the world around me is in turmoil. But when I find myself veering off course, I will gently but firmly... Have a conversation with myself and my husband about the best direction to turn. We are a team, and will react to life steering accordingly.
In December 2015, I want to look back and say... I did it. I completed student teaching (or, at least, I will have a few weeks after #Reverb15 ends), and will begin interviewing for teaching positions. I will lose a significant amount of weight and will feel healthy, and my relationships with those who mean most to me will be healthy and tended to. Also, I will get myself on track spiritually, and will make any changes in my life that I feel God is pushing me towards. Lastly, I will be in control of my feelings. Life is full of open doors, I need to not become emotional when a few are shut. It does not matter if the shut ones are due to failed friendships, missed job opportunities, moments of anger, a small paycheck, etc. I am in control of my reaction, I will choose to keep going forward to a better, open door instead of losing out on life, crying in front of those that are closed and locked forever.


  1. May the new year be rewarding and delightful, Mia! Thank you for all your wonderful Reverb14 responses. It's been such a treat to journey with you. xx
