Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

Wow it's so crazy to me that we are about to close the chapter on 2014. My dad once told me that the older anyone gets, the faster time seems to speed on by. I, personally, would like to put a halt to that, and soak in more moments (even the bad ones) and slow time down a little bit.

At any rate, 2014 was a pretty good year for the Willeford's. The kids have both settled into a well ordered routine at school, and are doing well. Dad is doing well at work, and is almost at his two year mark, and as you all know I'm plugging away for the same district (hitting my three year mark in January), and am almost done with my degree. Plus we booked our first family vacation, and did lots of new things. Not too shabby as far as years go. Definitely some tough moments, but those were worked through and conquered, for the most part.

A few years ago, I had decided resolutions were dumb and amounted to nothing. This last year, though, I actually achieved some, and did so on purpose. So I have come to the conclusion that resolutions can work, but it all depends on the mind set of the person making them.

Though I have not formally taken the time to sit down and ponder what I would like to achieve within the next calendar year, here are a few things that are always on my mind, and therefore really important to share with all of you in order to keep me accountable. Hopefully, this time next year I will be able to proudly say I completed most, if not all, of them!

1. I know this is a resolution I share with most of you, but one of the top resolutions I have is losing weight. Not only do I want this for looks purposes, but also for health. I want to live as long as possible, and be able to play with my kids, and be active with them. I also do not want door closed to me because of physical limitations. Or, God forbid, be in a situation where I have to run, but cannot. And, lastly, because I want to be in the best shape possible during our family vacation. Being turned away from rides is one of my big fears. So the goal is to lose at least 40 pounds by May 1st. That's scary, but I believe it to be doable. And if I can lose that 40, I should be able to lose at least another 20 by this time next year.

2. Work on my faith. This is hugely important to me as I constantly question myself and things. I want a strong foundation in God, thank you very much, and intend to get it in 2015. This should definitely be listed as number one.

3. Not let my fears and procrastination get in the way of graduating. Already I can feel my worries weighing me down, causing me to retreat on what I need to do to finish classes. Instead, I need to forge ahead and finish my bachelors this coming year - I will be finished, or finishing within a few weeks, by the end of 2015.

4. Go on our first family vacation. This is very important to me. I remember how excited I used to be in going on trips with my parents. I want my own children to have that same excitement, and some of those same experiences. Also, my husband has never been able to experience a family vacation, and I would like him to be able to this year.

5. Continue seeking out new experiences, instead of staying closed off in my own world of comfortable predictability. I started this one last year, and was actually able to do lots of new things just by not limiting myself (unless it was in saying no).

6. Try to become more organized by in my home, and with my schedule. I'm horrible at this. Many good intentions, yet something always comes up and I get derailed. As the saying goes, try, try again. Maybe this year it'll partially stick.

7. I have some private goals that I am not sharing. Some dealing with driving and what not. I would like to get some of these done before my next birthday. If I achieve them, I may share. Otherwise, next year just look for a check mark next to #7 :)

8. Better quality family time. I do not need this for myself. My husband and I have been together for so long that... Well, we're comfortable and fine with who we are. As a family unit, though, we need to actively do more things with our kids outside of our usual routine, and what needs to be done in daily living.

And there you have it. The 8 resolutions I have for 2015. Though there are many more I would like (such as watching less TV), I think it's more practical, and doable, to stay with this.

Happy New Years to you all, and best of luck in making those resolutions become a reality!

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