Friday, December 12, 2014

#Reverb14 Day 12 Letter to Me

"It all starts with kindness. Everything I have learnt, everyone I have interviewed, every word I have studied has guided me to this simple but profound conclusion: true happiness begins and ends with self-kindness.

No more guilt. No more shoulds. No more comparison.

And the very best way to give your weary soul some kindness at the end of this year? A love note.

Write a letter from you to you... filled with forgiveness, love, and a big bear hug."
Dear Me,
You're pretty awesome, did you know that? I know most days you don't believe it, but you are. Most people expected you to fail by now, and I believe that you did too deep down inside. Instead of failing, though, you decided to cling to your pride like a pit bull to a juicy bone, and spend years without sleep to make the point that, you, dear self, are not going to resort to being a welfare mom (not bashing those who need it, but am suggesting that no one needs to make a career out of it) who lives life having absolutely nothing.
You have almost nothing right now, self, but I think you've realized that there is a rhyme and reason to that. A. You made choices to make that happen, and B. You know lots of hard work has to come before nothing turns into the happy voila of something. It's pretty huge, I think, to realize that life is usually the outcome of self choices, and that life can get better only after a large amount of effort is exerted. And you, Self, figured that out. Congratulations, go you, you deserve a gold star on the life report card!
Another fairly superb thing you seem to have realized, Self, is that lots may need to be done, but that doesn't mean EVERYTHING has to be done right at the same time. It's okay be tired. It really is. Most people would be tired if they worked, had kids, helped those kids, and had homework to complete after all of that. And it's okay to not look like a runway model while inwardly feeling exhausted. Oh, and it's okay to admit that the family eats processed foods half of the time (because of time, money, and the fact they simply will not eat most of the healthy, non processed stuff), and that every single day is not devoted to hours of working out (note, working out is important, Self, but in moderation and the right number of times per week. We need to work on that). So, good job on accepting things and figuring out that you, Self, are human. It is okay to remain human and not delve into the super human (after all, super heroes are fiction, and there is space for only one God).
Self, there is much to be improved upon in the coming years (weight, house cleanliness/organization, temperament in check, etc), but for now, you rock! You really do, keep on keeping on every single day without the regrets of why things are so hard currently, but instead with the vision of how life will be tomorrow. You got this, lady!
- Me


  1. We are so good at beating ourselves up over the things that we would never expect anyone else to do. It sounds to me like you are doing fantastically well!

  2. You are so wise! I think you should print this out and frame it and let it be your manifesto for the coming year. It's perfect. x

  3. Thank you! I think I might and then place it above my study space!
