Friday, December 5, 2014

#Rever14 Day 5 Letting Go

Letting go: For next year, I’m letting go of…

Dead weight, that's what I'm letting go of. What do I mean by "dead weight", exactly? Well, this weight that is literally hanging on my body and will kill me some day. Halfway through 2014 I managed to lose 16 pounds (yes, some did come back, but not all). Since starting back at work the weight loss has stalled out. Mainly because trying to juggle work, kids, homework, and working out just does not happen. I am not super woman, much unlike the majority of the mom's that I know.

At any rate, this year I plan to continue losing a bit at a time. I'm not certain how, yet, at least in the sense of how to fit it into my schedule, but I do know it'll be made a priority. For the sake of my own longevity, being able to enjoy our family vacations, and the ability to chase my kids I have to do this.

The next thing I am going to attempt to let go of is stress. As I said, I am no super mom, so whenever life starts to get crazy I physically, mentally begin to feel it very quickly. My sleep suffers, and then my irritability sky rockets. It's not pleasant for my family, and not healthy for me at all. As with losing weight, I'm not exactly certain how I'll accomplish this one, just that it needs to be at the top of the list for my yearly achievements. I know I'll be experimenting and blogging about what works best, whether it's a better organization system, yoga, oils, extra sleep, etc. Something will work some day :)

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