Thursday, January 8, 2015

Top 10 Life Stories

Mama’s Losin’ It
Today's prompt is hilarious: You know those life stories that just never die? No matter how old you get or where you go or who you’re with…SOMEONE brings them back up?
1. When I was beginning community college, I had just started dating my now husband. In my rush to go visit him, I quickly did my chores incorrectly. Big time uh oh ensued - I had loaded the dishwasher with dish soap instead of dish washing detergent. Needless to say, the entire kitchen was covered in a one foot deep lake of bubbles.
2. Right after my husband and I moved in together, I decided to cook us dinner. I put everything in the oven, walked off, and minutes later smelled smoke. I set the oven on fire. After that, it took my husband a while before he willingly let me cook anything again.
3. I had set a fire in our fireplace a few years ago. I put in a bunch of scraps, and walked away. All of a sudden there was a tremendously loud bang and tons of smoke. What I had not realized is that there was a can of liquid foam in with all of the scraps I had thrown in. The can exploded, and liquid foam shot ten feet out and covered our carpet, walls, and front door. And the fire department came. That was a fun night when the hubby got home...
4. When I was 7 months pregnant with my daughter, I was working at a job where I had to commute quite a distance. On my way home from work, one night, I was driving on the freeway and noticed an odd smell, and then smoke, and then flames. I pulled over, and the entire front end of my car was on fire. A nice stranger pulled over behind me, and yanked me out of the car (prego belly made that difficult). It turns out that an oil change a week earlier hadn't been done well, and our engine caught on fire. Everything turned out fine, even though the car was totaled. I did, though, almost end up being taken to jail in the process (the car was registered to my fiancé - now husband - and not to me), and I made the local news in creating a major traffic jam. Good times.
5. Years and years ago I was an intern for Walt Disney World. While there, my roommates and I went to a party one night, and after becoming slightly intoxicated I decided to call a friend as I made my way back to my apartment. I went inside, used the bathroom while still on the phone, and woke up one of my roommates while turning her light on as she was sleeping. The funny part is that 1. I yelled at my friend (remember, I was on the phone with her) for waking up my roommate, and 2. I freaked out because halfway through my phone conversation I realized that I was no longer wearing pants and had not put them back on after using the bathroom.
6. When pregnant with my daughter I threw up in our bed. In front of my husband.
7. My daughter was born via an emergency C-section. I say this so that you all know and understand why I did nothing after the grossness occurred. Anyways, the day after she was born my dad and another friend came to visit and hold her. Before they got a chance to pick her up, she projectile vomited all over me, and in my mouth. My husband promptly ran to throw up in the bathroom, my dad said that this was a good time to leave, and our friend threw a towel at me and ran and got a nurse. So there I was, covered in slimy, gray colored puke. Welcome to motherhood!
8. This next one is horrible. I apologize in advance for even sharing it, but if I didn't, I'd be called out for it later on. Back in 2012, I decided to host a Thanksgiving brunch and had invited several friends over. I had served the food, and was happy with how everything was going. And then... Then the worst smell I have ever smelled in my life spread throughout my house and just kept getting stronger. Eventually, we found out that the kids kitten had climbed into the dryer and settled in amongst the wet clothes. It's horrible. I am a kitten killer in the worst sense. And I have never, ever lived that holiday meal down.
9. I hate, like really hate, the feeling of certain textures. In particular, I hate the feeling of that stuff that makes up wedding veils. One of my best friends knew this, and one day decided to chase me around an entire Joann's trying to touch me with that disgusting material. I think I ran faster at that point than I have ever run before. Yuck!
10. My dad invited my kids and I to go hiking on Mount Rainier one summer. Me, being a dummy, figured it's summertime so why not wear flip flops. Big mistake. Big, huge, gigantic mistake. There was still snow on the mountain, and lots of it. The air wasn't cold, but the ground was covered and part of the way up there was no other option other than to trudge through the snow. And I did it with flip flops, and when those became too slipper I took them off and did it with no shoes. My dad has still not let me live that one down.


  1. Oh. Wow. Hilarious! Yes, you are correct. That prompt was hilarity (for SURE!) for you. Thank you so much for sharing... not sure which one is my favorite, as they are all quite good. Visiting here from Mama Kat's...

  2. I have to say, you and fire don't mix well! Funny stories for sure. Your kids will enjoy hearing them and sharing them for years to come!

  3. you were right at the beginning of your post--HILARIOUS! Stopping by from mama kats kelley at the road goes ever ever on

  4. You win! This is list is unbelievable and that poor poor kitten! I can only imagine how traumatized everyone must have been! My friend did the same thing to her kitten. So sad!
