Thursday, January 29, 2015

Things I'd Rather Do

Mama’s Losin’ It

Mama Kat's writing prompt for this week is "List 7 things you would rather do than clean your bathroom". I think my list needs to be bigger than 7 (although, I have to admit I'd rather clean my bathroom than, say, the refrigerator, fold my laundry, or clean my room... Man, I sound lazy!), but I will follow the rules and try to restrain myself.

1. The top of the list is the obvious, lazy stuff. I'd rather watch TV than clean my bathroom. And, honestly, who wouldn't? A little bit of  Castle or Mysteries of Laura, or scrubbing a toilet? Hmmm, that'll take me soooo long to decide, maybe I'll watch a little bit of TV while I made the choice.

2. Play online. Much like number 1, this is a no brainer. Facebook, Twitter, blogging, Trivia Crack, and more all take precedence over scrubbing a bathroom.

3. Doing homework, and I really hate spending hours and hours to submit work to an abyss that I'll never see again. It's much better than cleaning, though, especially since it can lead to wasting time on the internet.

4. Climbing up the side of a mountain. I don't mean this figuratively either. I actually hiked a few trails on Mount Rainier this last summer. It was hot, painful, and embarrassing (because of how poorly I finished). I'd still rather do that, then clean my bathroom. The plus side to it, too, is being in so much pain for a week after that I cannot physically clean anything, ha ha!

5. File my taxes. I actually used this excuse today to not get anything done. And it's definitely not fun. Possibly more fun then a trip to the dentist, but not exactly hot fudge Sunday at the beach, fun.

6. Go grocery shopping with both of my kids, without the help of my hubby. Yep, I went there. I'd rather the insanity of going out around things that they "want" and "need" along with all the crazy fighting (which usually leaves me looking insane) vs. cleaning my bathroom.

7. Listen to my kids music for hours on end. This includes the like of church camp songs (which are catchy the first week), One Direction, Disney songs, Teen Beach Movie, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lovato. Music that would be great for a bit, but after hours make the ears bleed. Yep, sounds like a picnic compared to tackling my bathroom :)


  1. On another post in the link-up, I said I'd rather pick up doggie doo in the backyard. That's accurate. I'll clean the entire rest of the house...if the husband will just clean up his mess in the bathroom ;)

    Jen - Pierced Wonderings

  2. I pretty much agree, anything is better than cleaning the bathroom!
    Stopping by from mama kats kelley at the road goes ever ever on

  3. Anything than my bathroom...well, almost! New follower!

  4. Good list. All the amazing ways to avoid whatever is dreaded! :)

  5. I'd rather climb a mountain, too! But doing taxes (or bills/paperwork/mail BS) is my nemesis.

  6. It's amazing how much time I can waste just staring at my computer screen. So much more fun than cleaning...anything.

  7. I can think of a million things I'd rather do than clean. I'm doing one of them right now :)
