Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Fit Day - Small Changes

Usually I write the day before, and schedule the exact time the post should release. I will admit that this week I have slacked off, and am sorry that it is nearly the end of Friday before I sat down to actually write. Things have been a little crazy in the Willeford household, though, and I will blame that for the procrastination.

This last week has been a forced eye opener for me. Everyone close to me knows that I landed in the ER on Sunday after struggling with some bad symptoms late Saturday night, that then exploded Sunday afternoon. I am okay, now, and am doing all of the follow up stuff that needs to be done. Because of that, I did not get my stats updated, so I have no clue if I have lost pounds/inches. What I do know, though, is that some changes have to be made.

I was told to completely stay away from caffeine. No more coffee, tea, Diet Coke, or even chocolate for at least a week, but to brace myself that it might be a permanent change. It sounded really easy when the orders were given to me, but let me tell you it's been an absolute battle. And I think I'm losing.

Actually, I don't think it I know it. I never actually thought about all of the things that have caffeine in them, or how long my system had been used to having it daily. My body has been very angry with me for this change - migraines, irritability, vomiting from the migraines, etc. Not exactly what you'd call a good time. The worst part is, a lot of the medications to fight migraines have caffeine, so that's an off the table option.

At any rate, I have managed almost a full week mostly caffeine free. By mostly, I mean that I had one Excedrin because I could not raise my head off of the couch, and some M&M's to get me through the day. And, I caved today, and had a few sips of Diet Coke. That's it, though, and I'm still alive and all of my resources tell me that the worst is now over!

After going through all of this, I realized that I actually feel better. Having 0 drink options minus water and juice has greatly increased my water intake (I'm actually at 64 ounces a day, now), and forced me to focus on sleeping when I'm tired instead of knowing that in the AM I can just sneak in a cup of coffee or Diet Coke. To be honest, I have gotten more sleep this week then I probably have in the last few months.

Though I am not exactly feeling like running a marathon, I am finding that I am becoming more and more in tune with my body and what it is telling me. The hope is that this (the increased water, stepping away from extra junk, and sleep) will lead to weight loss!

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