Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Framing the Year

Let go of old frames: How are you framing yourself, your relationships, your community, and your dreams? Could you reframe these as we begin 2015? What do you need to let go of to cultivate your best life in 2015?

I saw this question in an e-mail today, one that is intended to have another daily writing prompt for the New Year. I do not intend to write daily, with work and school that is simply too much for me to handle, but I really enjoyed thinking about this simple question.

Whenever you see a picture, do you usually pay attention to its frame? If I'm being honest, unless it's a gorgeous work of craftsmanship, I rarely notice what is around the picture and instead focus on the emotion on the canvas. In reality, though, the frame allows that emotion to pop off of the canvas with more finesse than simply putting a basic picture tacked/nailed up on a wall. The frame is essential in making picture/photograph/painting completely come together.

So, how have I chosen to bring together my life this year? Quite simply in a bold either all in or all out frame. 2015 is my year to either let my fears get the best of me, and not continue going for my family's dreams and stability, or jump as high and fast as I can. That and watch for opportunities that come my way, and take them (with prayer, of course).

I am facing a year of having to quit my job (scary), find two teachers to be placed with (frustrating), student teach (scary), and find a new job (overwhelming). Not to mention some other things that our family has lined up that involve action, and making some changes. 2015 is not the year to sit on the sidelines, and not make the most of every opportunity that comes our way. If I do, then my family loses. We lose if I let the uncertainty of where I will student teach in September get to me, we lose if I decide that quitting my job is too scary to take this adventure, we lose if I let the actual act of student teaching overwhelm me, and we lose if I do not attack every job opportunity that comes my way once graduation has completed.

What do I need to let go of? My entire life I have been someone to question things. It has almost been debilitating in that I question, make a decision, and then second guess myself to infinity. Sometimes that has been a huge benefit, other times it has left me out on opportunities that would have led to great things. It all comes down to, in 2015 I need to let go of my clinging to the part of myself that resists change, and looks for every negative possible in any upcoming change in order to decide whether that change is worth it or not.

Assertive. That is the word that I will use for this year's frame. 2015 will be framed, in all ways, with assertiveness.

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