Thursday, January 15, 2015

The 10 Year Difference

Mama’s Losin’ It
Find a photo of yourself taken 10 years ago and display it on your blog along with a current photo. How have you changed since the day that photo was taken?

Me and my fiancé (now hubby) June of 2005
Wow so much has changed since that first photo. I was young, only 18 years old, just engaged, and headed off to an internship with the Disney College Program. My best friend went along with me, and was the reason I even applied to the internship in the first place. I knew I wanted to finish college, but was more focused on having some fun, and worried about how long distance would affect my relationship. Basically, I was young and naïve and had no clue what the world held for me.

Me and my daughter December 2014

Now, I am married (to the same man in the photo above), and we have celebrated 11 years together, 7 years married. I am also a mom to an 8 year old daughter, and 6 year old son. After working for several years, and being knocked around by life, I finally decided to go back to school. I completed my associates degree (the last class I needed... How dumb was I for dropping out a mere 5 credits short of graduating?) 6 weeks after my wedding, while 3 1/2 months pregnant. I felt that was good enough at the time, and continued to be knocked around by life, learning a lot in the process. I became tired of simply existing and not knowing whether another layoff was around the bend or not, and enrolled back in school March 2012. Growing up, I felt that I needed to be something big. Now, I realize all I need to do is contribute what I can, earn a living, and be there for my little family. That is enough, and will always be enough.


  1. Good for you! Congrats on re-enrolling and your successful family life.

  2. Congratulations on growing up! Sometimes a few hard knocks will help us find the way.

    1. I completely agree. Hard times are essential to growing up!

  3. Absolutely...all you have to be is good enough and to be content with that.
    Proud of you for making it through the rough patches and getting to where you are now. Anything can be done.
    PS. The picture of you and your daughter looks like a picture of two sisters! You two a spitting images!! Beautiful.

  4. Thank you so much, that made my day!

  5. Gorgeous photos! Huge congrats on going back to school. I'm getting ready to begin classes. This was my 20th year high school graduation reunion and I didn't even go. I, too, thought growing up, something big was waiting to happen. I realize now, 2 huge important people happened, my 2 daughters. So, now I just want to be steadily employed and be the best me and mom I can be. Great post

    1. Best of luck to you! School is a huge undertaking but so worth it!

  6. I love your sentiments at the end of the post! Family really is everything. I had a friend who did the Disney World college program and she loved it! She always said it was the best time of her life!

  7. Your family grew a LOT between those two pictures! I love your attitude about doing your part for family!
