Thursday, January 22, 2015

The 20 of 2015

Mama’s Losin’ It

Today's prompt is about the 20 things to make this the best year yet. That is a really large number of things to implement, but I am realizing that the things to implement do not have to be large themselves. So, here it goes.

1. Sleep more. Instead of staying up late to have some time to myself, or to study, I need to set an actual bed time that I stick with.

2. Workout consistently. I already to this, but after a while I get busy and stop almost altogether.

3. Change it up. With my workouts I tend to get into a rut, it's good that I'm still moving, but not so good that my body knows exactly what is coming up next. Weekly, I'd like to try to implement at least one new thing (even if it's rotated from previous weeks/months) to mix it all up.

4. Quit relying on caffeine to get through the day. I am currently in the process of doing this, and it is so hard. I know I will never be completely caffeine free (unless it's required of me, which I will find out on Friday), but I would like to drink more water and less Diet Coke.

5. This goes along with sleep, but is a little bit different. I need to stop hitting the snooze button. My life seems to rely on it in the morning, but I know that each time I hit it I am lowering the quality of my sleep, and that has got to go.

6. Organize an office space to make my studying more effective.

7. Go through all of my bills, and work my way through getting things paid off (or at least down).

8. Pray more.

9. Study the Bible more in depth.

10. Actually take time to have girl's night/time every month. It has been almost a year since I met up with any of my friends for a glass of wine, or to do something fun. I need to change that.

11. Not be scared to have "me" dates. When I lived in Florida, I would take the time to go to a movie on my own, or out to lunch. It was fun and relaxing, and I didn't have to worry about someone else's perspective on the activity.

12. Have individual dates with my kids. They have both expressed how much they want to do things alone with either mom or dad, time to make that happen. Besides, I am realizing how quickly they are growing up, and this will help them realize that they are always special and we will always make time for them.

13. We toss around the idea of weekly family nights, and it'll happen once or twice and then not happen again for months. I'd like to have a family game, movie, or activity night that we do every Thursday evening. Make some fun for the family, and take away our focus on what needs to be done to how much we enjoy one another.

14. Go through every avenue possible to make weight loss happen this year. By every avenue, I'm including the surgery options that I really don't want, but if it will be healthier for me in the long run I may have to do it.

15. Choose a major. I have got to do this. If I don't, I'm going to end up having a last minute anxiety attack after I graduate with my bachelors, and have no idea what to get a masters in. And, yes, I have to get my masters.

16. Take the entire month of July off from school. Oh man this would be so lovely. I have four classes remaining, and if I bust my behind off, I will be able to have the summer to hang out with my kids, and take a breather for myself, and not have to lock myself away again during all of the fun moments to do homework.

17. Find a way to relax. That may sound silly, but I am a very wound up person, and everything stresses me out. To the point that other people's stress stresses me out. And, over the weekend, I landed in the hospital with what seems to be some massive anxiety attacks (will find out Friday). As my husband said "it's really sad it took you laying in a hospital bed to see you need to calm down". Yep, message received. Not sure how to do that one, but will work on it,.

18. Exercise my creativity. The last few months I have gotten to see that my stating that I have "0 creative ability" is not entirely true. It would be fun to see what I actually can do, and maybe do some things with my own kids and home that is based around the holidays.

19. Continue with my 0-very little fast food life style. It has been over a month now since I had any, and I almost do not miss it at all, minus the convenience of not needing to cook. It makes me feel better, though, so keep it up I shall.

20. Plan, plan, plan. I have vacations coming up (two), and have never done one with kids before. I need to plan like crazy to make certain this goes well with minimal hiccups along the way - I am a realist, though, so I know something is bound to happen no matter how well I plan.

There you have it, 20 mini changes to make this year the best it can be! What are some changes that you can do to make 2015 the best year so far?


  1. These are some great ideas! I need to work on sleeping and girls night as well. I have no idea how I'd make it through the day without caffeine, although mine comes solely from the coffee pot. I go to work with two travel mugs filled, which reminds me...I left one of them in my AP's office today. *sigh*

    We too are working to get out of debt. My husband and I want to get to a place where we are living off of just one salary and saving the other one. It's going to take discipline to do it, though.

    I think the biggest thing for me is to focus on my photography. I have a couple of projects that I want to complete, and I'm really excited about well as the opportunity to explore our state. it's going to be a good year. I can feel it ;)

    Jen - Pierced Wonderings

  2. Having weekly Family Home Evenings are so good for strengthening your family. My parents did it with us kids growing up. I did it with my kids. My kids do it, too. It didn't always go as planned, or as often as we would have wanted, but the key is just start and do it as often as you can. Pretty soon it will become a habit and your kids will look forward to it every week. It will become a treasured tradition.

    And, good for you going to school! Furthering your education is such a great accomplishment and it makes your life better in every aspect. I know it did mine. I did it with five children as a single mother. You can do it, too!

  3. Glad to see I'm not the only one who rarely spends time with my friends. :) It's so hard being a mom sometimes. :) Great ideas!

  4. Looks like you just planned my list too! Thanks! ;) Seriously great ideas!
