Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday Fit Day - To Disney or Bust

I can't believe I am actually putting this out there publicly, but I have noticed that I am way more accountable whenever there is a higher chance of lots of people knowing I might fail. Since I am being "courageous" in my own small way, please keep the judgmental comments and thoughts to yourselves, or if you choose to share them be aware that a return comment will not be coming.

I have had a weight problem since starting college. Technically, it really wasn't a problem then since I could lose easily, and put on approximately 20 pounds. The problem didn't hit until I became a parent. I went through the pregnancy, didn't gain a large amount, and after having my daughter I lost momentum and gained. When I tried, though, I was able to trim down with ease (I just didn't try very often). The real problem came after I had my son. I barely gained anything with him - to the point the doctor almost had me on an IV drip for nutrition - yet the instant I stopped breastfeeding him everything changed. I could do everything correctly, and lose nothing (or next to nothing). I walked, went to the gym, ate correctly, drank water like a fish and lost a whopping 6 pounds in 6 months and then stalled out. I have been to doctors, had personal trainers, nutritionists (although I admit I did not fully follow their directions because of expense. Who on earth can actually afford to eat that way every day????), tests, the works. Everything points to that I must be a sedate, lazy, and crazy woman.

After years, and years, of battling this (and getting larger, and larger) I have taken a year to practically give up minus a few spurts here and there of hard work. Why try, I have reasoned, if nothing will come of it?

Well, my friends, I have my reason to try, and it is sad and pathetic, but has given me momentum again. Here it is (remember, no out-loud judging): My family and I are going to Disneyland in a little less than four months!

Woo hoo! Queue the victory music, take a few techy laps, and then shriek a couple of times!

Photo courtesy of
In case you could not tell, I am a little excited. You may wonder what on earth Disneyland has to do with personal fitness. Well... A little birdy told me a while back that not all of the rides are equipped to handle people or larger stature. I can tell you that there is no way in heck that I will spend several thousand dollars to take my family on their first vacation, and be left watching them on the sidelines. It will NOT happen.

Because of that, I have spent the last few weeks gradually adding my workouts back in. I have set my goals high in that I'd like to lose 40 pounds by take off time (roughly 10 pounds a month), but am also accepting that maybe I'll just see inches lost. Or... sadly, but still better than I am now, I may see no pound lost but at least not be worn out at the end of those long, long days. I'll take what I can get.

Each week I will share something that I am doing in order to help me reach this goal. I would love if you all have any words of encouragement, or tips/tricks that have helped any of you in your fitness journeys!
Me on Mount Rainier in August
Mid hike 2014

Me with my cousins in
 Disneyland, 1998

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