Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday Fit-Day: Plugging Away

Hello all, sorry for missing last week's post. Things have been absolute crazy here between school, work, kids, and just life in general. I promise it will not happen again though, as I know my posting regularly will help keep me on track and accountable. Also, it hopefully is encouraging to any of you that feel it is too hard to make the changes to a healthier you - truth be told, it's harder to stay the same with the health risks then to get up and mix things up a bit.

Unfortunately I have not gotten measured yet as I still have not made it to the gym. The gym I belong to has very crazy hours (they're closed for three hours in the middle of the day, right at the point I get off work and would be heading to the gym, and close by 7:30 at night so no going after the kids head to bed). My only choice, really, is to get up at 5:00am and head to the gym before anyone in the family is awake. And that's only on mornings my husband does not work. So, as you can see, making the gym trek has been difficult to say the least. I do plan on going in the morning, though, and will update with a comment on here of the measurements. Let me say, I do not relish the idea of sharing those numbers with you all, but I shall do it!

I have been walking a lot more as my family was given a year long pass to the zoo (thanks mom and dad!). I have also started back up with doing my kickboxing dvd's regularly. The first time doing them again had me in pain after a mere 5 minutes, and I could barely complete the whole session (not to mention the countless stopping to see how many minutes were left). As of this morning, I completed the full 25 minutes with only checking for the remaining time once! Also, it is much easier and I no longer feel like the movements will literally kill me.

Last night I started an old yoga routine that I did back in high school and college. To my shock, I could do no more than a few minutes and even those few were shaky. Immediately, though, I could feel the results of being able to breath easier and hold my shoulders back better. So I will definitely be pushing foward with that. My plan is to perfect the routine in chunks by doing the same parts several days in a row and then add more. We shall see how I progress throughout the week.

All for now, hopefully some encouraging numbers on the scale next week!

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