Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday Fit-Day

Each week I will be posting something fitness related whether it is something I have struggled with, or something I am trying/going to try. I hope you all stay along the journey with me, and saw my last post on how I have gotten to this point. Some time in the future I will be brave enough to be like my dear friend, Holly, and share the full details of what I have done to cause this weight problem.

Until then, I wanted to do a simple update on what I have done in the past week to start setting things in the right direction health wise. To start, I have dusted off my kickboxing DVD and started using it again (believe me, my thighs have been discussing murder plans because of it), and have been coming up with my outdoors things to do with the kids on the weekends so my downtime isn't really "down."

The biggest step I have made is to join the SHCC Cross Trainers, which is a running group through my church. We are all training together to run at a charity event for 4Us on July 28th. The leader of the group has successfully trained many people to do this throughout the years, and assigns weekly homework. Some of it is more about the mental state of not being able to push through, and some is actual exercise. Either way, I'm doing it!

Quote from our trainer, Brian Sweet:

"Expect Resistance. You're NOT too tired, it's NOT too hot, it's NOT too late, you DO have something to wear, you will NOT be embarrassed, you will NOT be alone. Whatever that nagging excuse, overcome it. Take the first step and show up (...). *Anything* you do is better than if you had done nothing."

See you all next week for a measurement posting. In the mean time, check out Holly's page tomorrow for more fitness info!

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