Sunday, May 20, 2012

Being Satisfied

In a moment of panic, the tooth-fairy at our home
had no change... Improvisation was a must!
As many mom's, I know that life is busy and crazy: One minute it is full of rainbows and sunshine, the next is doom and gloom. And no matter how prepared we are with schedules, planning, the whole nine yards, that moment will strike when things seem to just fall apart. And in that moment (which seems to last for an eternity) I will admit to letting myself internally wallow in self pity. It is one of my biggest faults, and one that I am determined to over come.

What I have decided is that, in those moments, it's good to remember to be satisfied. Life is precious, and those off the wall times can create the most precious memories. For example, the picture on the right happened a few weeks ago. I knew my daughter had a loose tooth, and knew that I needed to get change. In the panic that is life, I forgot and when the tooth came out, the tooth-fairy had nothing. Literally nothing. So my wonderful daughter decided to write the tooth-fairy and ask for something else (just in case the tooth-fairy atm was closed). Fortunately, when my hubby got home from work he had the awesome idea to ask the neighbors to borrow change till morning. So, though things worked well, I let myself feel like an idiot for a moment, but ended up seeing a different side to my daughter's creativity and thought process.

Mother's Day is another wonderful example. Instead of being showered with gifts and attention, I spent the day with my parents and kids and did laundry. Before anyone feels too badly for me, my husband had just worked his 9th day in a row and fell asleep without meaning to. Was my day special? No, but I am more than satisfied knowing that my husband works as hard as he can to provide for me and the kids and that sometimes I have to sacrifice a superficial day for that.

Speaking of my husband, it always rubs me the wrong way that he misses the little things (or in my mind, the big things. Such as picking up socks and putting them in the laundry hamper or going on the perfect date). The thing is, though, I need to accept that he is far from perfect and full of flaws - and I chose to say "I do" to those flaws and "till death do us part" includes handling irritatingly dirty socks placed in the wrong place at times. Also, the little fights and inconveniences (and no princely romance) mean nothing compared to knowing I have a partner in life who will always make me laugh.He has the most wonderful sense of humor, and can ALWAYS (well, almost always) make me laugh at myself. Plus, he works hard, plays hard with his kids, knows the value of pushing them towards a good education, and always listens when he truly knows I need it. Oh, and he randomly picks wildflowers for me on his way home from work. Who needs prince charming with all of that anyways?

My children are wonderful, and I am blessed to have them; however, it feels like they never listen and are constantly taunting and ignoring me. There are fights, peanut butter on the walls (don't ask), broken toys, broken baseboard (they did learn a valuable lesson from standing on that when they were supposed to be in bed) etc. As a mother to them, I feel like a failure for always yelling, being at the very end of my rope, and feeling I do not do enough with them (some days, I will admit to plunking them in front of the tv so I can just breathe). And that I do not look the way they want me to. What I have been choosing to see, though, is that they are both smart, beautiful, funny, and do actually try to do right by other people. And, when they can see mom most needs it, they'll jump in to do their version of housecleaning and cooking:Deep down, they are truly good and wonderful little people.

What I am trying to say is this: Life is full of choices, so why not choose to be satisfied in zany situations? The photo perfect moments are just around the corner, and though it's difficult to remember sometimes, why not choose to look through that mental album of good times when the worst are hitting.

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