Monday, April 23, 2012

Souvenir Savings for Kids

This is a brilliant chore chart that Krystal made a few months ago. I am the lucky recipient of said chore chart, and am happy to report that my kids love it! My daughter actually bugged me for days to get a few dry erase markers so we could start our chore adventure. In seeing their excitement to cross things off daily an idea hit me - why not use this bit of brilliance towards the better good of a Disney family vacation?

 Over the past few weeks I have been thinking over several ways to incorporate this into our trip savings, and finally struck on something we can actually use (as a side note, we are not telling our kids about the trip until we arrive at the airport, which also added some difficulty on finding the perfect savings idea)! This chart will no longer be granting prizes at the end of the week, but allowance money. Each week the kids get an X in each slot of the chart they will given $4.00; however, $2.00 will be put into savings for something very special: Disney park souvenirs!. We have a little over a year until our trip so, given the kids do their chores, they will have approximately $130.00 each to spend on whatever they would like in the parks.

 Depending on the ages of your children, the weekly amount may need to be adjusted, but for my two kids (ages 5 and 3) this is perfect, and will let them get several things in the parks. What we plan to do is take a picture of all the money they saved, and put it in a card along with a Disney gift card, which will be given to them as soon as we arrive in our hotel. The picture of the money is more to make the two of them understand the value of their hard work.

 Do you have any tips to involve with Disney vacations savings?

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