Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Last Few Days of Summer

Kids and I at Union Station with some Chihuly glass.
For most people, the last few weeks of summer are filled with preparation for the upcoming school year, maybe sneaking in a last minute vacation, and generally counting down the minutes until order comes back into the household. Well, not in this family! As someone who works in the education field, I know that as soon as September second hits, the stress will begin again. Please note, I love my job, I really do. It is just very hard being around students all day, only to come home and help my own kids with homework, and then begin doing homework of my own. Draining, that may be the better word!

At any rate, the last few weeks of summer are crammed full of things that cannot be done once fall comes. It has helped that some friends and I have created an online group to share different local activities that are family oriented. Some of them are learning based, and some are just for fun. Take a look at some of the things we've done, hopefully it will give you and your family some ideas for the last little bit of freedom and sunshine!

Why not sign your kids up for a last minute swim course? Ours was fun, and very informative, and was able to be completed within a week!

My son and his swim instructor

My daughter getting some last minute tips

Or, take the kids to go berry picking. It's relaxing, and they are able to save these for healthy snacks throughout the week!
The excited kids after picking a few berries

Another idea is to head to the zoo and check out any summer only exhibits. A lot of zoos will have items on loan from other states, and will promptly send them back once school resumes.
Touching a bamboo shark

Oh so fuzzy and weird!

Feeding the budgies with Grandma

In addition to those fantastic ideas, why not take the family for a fun mini golf outing? It's inexpensive, fun, and something even little ones are able to enjoy for short spurts. Another benefit is that, usually, mini golf is in the shade and moves slowly enough that, though exercise, it will not be horrible in the summer heat!
Mom, Reyna, and dad discussing angles

Posin' Reyna
And who can forget the beach? Not only is it relaxing, but most beaches have fun things to explore, shells to find, rocks to skip, and possibly some seals to spot!
Kids in front of a lighthouse on the beach
at Maury Island

Beach time at Vashon

Big crab shell my daughter found
Kids on the ferry ride to the beach!
And, lastly, why not check out some local museums? Many are free certain days of the month, and offer fun things for kids of all ages to do. Not only that, but museums are easy to take at your own pace, a refuge from the heat, and full of awesome learning opportunities!
Helping friends try on bonnets

Discovering a rotary phone

Wonderland exhibit

In these buildings we go "shhhhh"

Fun trying on pioneer clothing

I hope you all have had a wonderful summer, and take these last few, precious, weeks to spend quality time with your kids. Hopefully, this has provided some ideas of what to do next!

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