Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What Every House Should Have

Before I write this, let me say that my house is not the cleanest on the block, but as a working mom of two I do try my best to keep it within reason. And since I also have two children, I'm always trying to save a little extra on cleaning supplies, and extra concerned about safety of my materials.

With that being said, I will now share with you all the three things that I have found to work miracles in my home, every time (one of which was even taught to us in the costuming department at Disney). Let me also say, that none of these three things comes with a recipe to make cleaning solutions (Krystal is the guru at that!), but that individually they do a pretty darn good job in a pinch.

The first must have is apple cider vinegar. While having this on hand my seem like a no brainer, it can be used for more than cleaning windows and what not. For instance, Disney taught us that between 1/8 and 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar thrown into the wash could alleviate the sweat smell from gym clothes (or costumes worn several times a day), and the sweat rings left around neck and arm lines. I know a lot of you are probably concerned about the smell that is then on your gym clothes... All I can say, is that though you will have a hint of vinegar, it's much better than eau de sweat! Also, after one or two more washes the smell goes away completely.

Next on the list is toothpaste. I know Krystal has already preached its virtues on being able to clean a stove top, but did you know that it can get stains out of pretty much anything that has a porous surface? Because the toothpaste is meant to deep clean our teeth and soak in, it can do the same for grout, granite, and oddly enough Kool Aid stains. I don't know about you, but as a kid I hated the stain above my lip from drinking Kool Aid. One day I found out that by putting some toothpaste on the stain for about 3 minutes, and then washing off with water, will take that all away!

And, finally, I feel every home should have a jar of salt handy at all times. The reason being is that salt is an absorbent. If you spill something on the carpet that you need out quickly, pour salt on it. Pet has an accident, and you realize you ran out of carpet cleaner, pour some salt on it, then scrape up the salt and apply some apple cider vinegar, and blot dry with a towel. The final good point to salt is that it can also be used to scrub things. For example, I've had pots with things severely burned on the bottom, I'm simply filled them with water and salt, and let boil for a few minutes before scrubbing away again. Need the bottom of your sink to shine? First wash, then take a scrubber with salt over it, and rinse!

I hope these little tips help. They're not only money savers, but are also very versatile and safe to use around anyone!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Disney Junior Treats

One of my wonderful, long time friends (Holly) came into town for a much needed girls day, and also planned a cooking activity for my two kids. It was found on the Disney Junior site, and so cute that I felt I must share it with all you.
The first part of the meal Holly found was a veggie skateboard. According to the website is meant to be made with mini cucumbers, carrots, and Swiss cheese. We couldn't find mini cucumbers and switched things around a bit. So, to make these delightful creations simply clean and cut the largest part of a few carrots (the number of carrots depends on how many skateboards you would
like to make. One carrot can make up to two skateboards), these are the wheels. Then, lengthwise cut a cucumber to make the board. Place the cucumber on top of the carrots, and then cut designs in the Swiss cheese, and place it on top of the board for some extra style. Both of my kids loved these, and they were completely eaten within the first few minutes of them being placed on the table.

Next, we made adorable Mickey Mouses April Fool's Cupcakes. Below are the ingredients:

  • 2 medium russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 2-inch pieces
  • 1 1/4 pound lean ground turkey
  • 3 large egg whites
  • 2 medium carrots, peeled and grated
  • 1/4 cup shredded asiago cheese
  • 1/4 cup low-sodium tomato sauce
  • 1 1/2 cups panko bread crumbs
  • 3 tablespoons fat-free milk
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Start by preheating the oven to 350 degrees, and lining a cupcake pan with 8 liners (we were actually able to get 9 cupcakes out of this recipe).

Next, place the potatoes in a pan of cool water, and bring to a boil. Reduce to medium high heat and continue cooking until potatoes are soft. Then drain and set aside.

Now it is time to mix the turkey (we used beef), egg whites, bread crumbs, cheese (instead of asiago I used cheddar), tomato sauce, and carrots. Use hands for mixing :)

After everything is mixed, place the meat mixture into the cupcake liners, make sure it mounds over the top so that it is taller than the muffin tin. Bake for about 22 minutes, or until completely cooked.

For the potatoes, use a mixer and add the milk, salt, and pepper until light and fluffy. Once the meat is done cooking (and cooled), scoop mashed potatoes on top for a frosted look, and enjoy!

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Chocolate Dip

As mentioned on our show, I recently made some Mickey cookies (which I will have a vlog posted here soon with the recipe and instructions) dipped in chocolate. I was originally going to wait and post the instructions for the chocolate with the vlog; however, in thinking about it I feel I'll just share it now as this chocolate can be used for anything. I have actually used it as a cake filling as well as a dip for cookies. It can also be used to cover fruit, and is super easy (and quick) to make.

You will need:

  • 1 cup of semi sweet chocolate
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 2 tablespoons of milk
  • 1 double boiler (if you do not have one, simply use a sauce pan, but monitor melting constantly)

Recipe found on Cooks.com

Start by mixing all of your ingredients together: If using a double boiler, set to medium/high heat, if in sauce pan set on low. Continually stir chocolate as it melts, and make sure it is spread evenly, and not clumping at the bottom of the pan. Chocolate should be sufficiently melted after about 2 minutes, and can be removed from the stove top. Now, dip in cookies or fruit and set aside on parchment paper or a cookie rack to allow the chocolate to firm up.

Another use for this chocolate is to pour into a mold and freeze for a mini chocolate treat.


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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kids and the Disney Legacy

l have to admit that as soon as I found out I was pregnant with our daughter, I immediately thought about all of the Disney movies I could not wait to share with my child. At the time, I was obsessed with the Aristocats, and my husband and I ran out and purchased a purple, stuffed Marie to put in the nursery.

After she was born, I promptly started the Disney induction by always having Playhouse Disney in the background, and only played Disney tunes (and, I'll admit, occasionally Broadway) in hopes that she would eventually follow my footsteps in being an avid Disney fan (or as my husband lovingly calls me, a nut).

image from

As soon as she was old enough to actually sit down and watch movies, I had added to our brood with a newborn baby boy. So we watched lots of Mary Poppins and Sleeping Beauty - anything with good music mommy could sway the kiddos to!

By mid toddler years it seemed that Disney had started to bring back their magic in the movies, and hits like Cars, Princess and the Frog, and Tangled were coming out. Fortunately for me, almost all of the new movies were ones that both of my children could enjoy together, and have wonderful morals and acting that make it enjoyable for me and my husband. As you can see, Princess and the Frog was a true favorite that made its way into our Halloween!

As my kids have grown older, I have started to reminisce about the Disney movies I watched as a child, and how they added sparks to my imagination. I will admit that I have not shown a lot of the tried and true classics yet as they seem corny to today's youth. Then I started thinking, what's wrong with corny? There are so many of the old movies I cannot wait to share with my kids like Blackbeard's Ghost, Moonspinners, The Rescuers, Steamboat Willie, and more that are perfect for their childhood innocence and wanting of adventure. Old fashioned or not, these are part of my legacy (and the Disney legacy) that I will proudly pass on to them.

So what about you, what Disney movies of the past are you most excited to share with your kids?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The 411 to Avoiding Meltdowns

Anyone with children knows that even the smallest amount of excitement and anticipation can lead to an ugly (and often times public) outburst. With all of us Disney lovers wanting to share the experience of a trip to Disneyland/World with our little ones, those outbursts can easily ruin a day in the parks (or, lets face it, even a local excursion/event). In order to avoid the frustration and exhaustion on our next trip, read on for some tried and true tips!

First off, set a basic and clear outline of the days activities. My kids often become worked up when they know something big is happening, but don't know when and the anticipation kills them. So, for example, tell your little one at breakfast "we will be going to the Magic Kingdom after we eat, and will see some characters, and then will come back for a nap." As the activities start, remind your child about the earlier discussion, and what comes next in the sequence. If you do choose to go back to the resort for a nap, let your child know that you will talk about the rest of the days activities after everyone has had the proper amount of rest, and is ready to go again.

Next, never fail to have enough snacks and water. This may seem far from a novel concept, but as a previous cast member it was shocking to see how many parents drug around their young children who had, had enough and were screaming for food. As we all know, wait time for food at Disney can be a bit daunting, so prepare in advance. Also, it is a good idea to stick to some tried and true healthy snacks from home ( if you're able to pack them, or find something similar at the parks).

Another thing to do is to actually listen to what your child is saying (this works no matter the age - it even can work with newborns). So many times my daughter would become frustrated and angry because she had been mumbling about something that excited her, or that she wanted to see/do and no one heard her. Children at any age are trying to show that they're growing up and can interact with the rest of the family, so let them even if that means taking a few minutes out of the day to sit on a bench and hear them out!

As a former cast member I also strongly encourage any parent to bring a change of clothes for their kids. Some of the rides can make them wet, or they may end up sticky from that Dole Whip or Mickey Bar you all enjoyed. I sure know my children throw a fit if they're uncomfortable, so it's easily avoided popping them into something new before they realize they're wet/sticky/hot/etc.

One of the other tricks I have learned while being at home with my children is that they react in part to how I am acting. As parents, it is easy to let the day show on our faces and in our composure, and in the parks it is also easy to let everything cause us to rush and stress about the experience being perfect. The kids will pick up on all of that, and will react accordingly. So, though it's hard, the best strategy for being in the park with young kids is to take it slowly, enjoy each reaction (even the bad ones - they will be funny later on!), and know that the park will always be there for another visit.

Something else to definitely schedule in on every trip (I will admit that even as an adult I have taken advantage of this) is a nap. Even if you and your child are no longer at a point of feeling they are necessary in day to day life, take a nap! It really helps to break up the day, and can avoid that mid afternoon boiling hot mess of a breakdown. If napping really isn't something you want, then take an hour or two away from the parks for a swim in the pool, or to walk the grounds of your resort. Basically, take a break from the noise and constant movement to amp up the excitement for the evening.

Yet another thing I suggest is having any child that feels they are too old for a stroller out and about to practice walking for longer distances a few months prior to a trip. Most kids have no idea how large the parks are, and swear up and down to their parents that they can walk the whole thing, only to end up crying and begging to be carried. So let them train little by little so that nothing is a shock to their systems.

Finally, remember that your little ones will need comfortable shoes, sunscreen, and maybe a hat to keep themselves healthy and safe. No one is happy with blisters and a sunburn, so come up with a plan of action to avoid them!

I hope these tips help all of you in your next trip, and if anyone has more tips to share please feel free to comment or e-mail them to bibbidibbakemia@gmail.com

Friday, February 17, 2012

Beauty and the Beast 3D - A Review!

Picture from www.imagesdisney.com

This last weekend my family and I decided to go and see Beauty and the Beast 3D while it was still in theaters. Both my husband and I were a little hesitant to go because we felt it would mainly be the original movie with a few effects thrown in; however, it is a classic that we both love so we decided that no matter what it would be worth it.

The short before the film was Pixar's Tangled Ever After, and we loved it. The visuals were stunning, effects fun, and all of the characters were hilarious. It really helped build anticipation for the movie, and easily is one of my new favorites for the shorts.

Once the movie actually started, our initial feelings were confirmed. Though the artistry was stunning (even 20 years later it's still amazing to see all of the details, hidden Mickey's, and rich colors), the effects were few and far between. The 3D was really prominent whenever there was smoke, bubble, or champagne flying, and had a few whimsical moments in the final fight scene between the villagers and the house servants.

On the whole, I would definitely go see the movie again, and recommend it to anyone. Not for its effects, but for the experience of seeing a beautiful classic on a large screen. For me, it was reliving my childhood and sharing it with my children. For my husband (and almost all of the other adults in the theater) it was singing along to every single song, while dancing in their seats. It's a happy movie, well worth the expense of current theater prices!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Disneyland Paris

Bienvenue to this month's Inside and Out! Because this is the month of love, we decided to focuson Disneyland Paris (honestly, what can be more romantic than Paris?), and give some information on what makes this resort more unique than those here in the US.

Photo from www.paris.com

Disneyland Paris is located in Marne-la-Vallee, which is a suburb of Paris, and is within 20 miles of the heart of the city. The park was opened in 1992, and is now one of the most visited sites in all of Europe.
The Resort is split into two parks: Disneyland Park which is equivalent to the Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney Studios, which is also very similar to Disney's Hollywood Studios.

There are some extra attractions found at the Disneyland Park, which are not at the Disneyland Resort. For example, Pocahontas has her own village

Photo from www.dlrpmagic.com

and there is a fun Wild West Fort (Legends of the Wild West)

Photo from www.panoramio.com

They also have an arcade (Liberty Arcade) and tableau (Statue of Liberty Tableau) which show France's involvement in the making of the Statue of Liberty.

Walt Disney Studios has all of the same attractions as Disney's Hollywood Studios, but has also added attractions for Armageddon, Cars, and Finding Nemo

Photo from www.allears.net

Photos from www.igougo.com

Photo from www.mouseplanet.com

There are seven hotels all located on Disney property: Disneyland Hotel (which is considered to be the fanciest, as it is located at the entrance of the park),Disney's Hotel New York, Disney's Newport Bay Club and Disney's Sequoia Lodge,Disney's Hotel Cheyenne, Disney's Hotel Santa Fe, Disney's Davy Crockett Ranch (which has camping sections available).

Photo from www.wikipedia.com

We hope this little taste has given all of you the interest to check things out, and maybe go further in your Disney travels!