Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Season of Being Content

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2013 was a very fulfilling year for me in almost all aspects. Were there down moments? Of course, life wouldn't be complete without them, but the majority of the time was filled with growth and happiness.

I cannot say the same for this current year. Though only a few weeks in, the whole dynamic of work and home life has shifted drastically. What was harmonious no longer is, what seemed simple and second nature is now full of second guessing. Needless to say, I have NOT been a happy camper! And, I'm pretty certain, everyone knows it.

I have been internally stewing over the causes, and with all the stewing, and praying, I've been doing I am certain that I am not misplacing blame; however, I am starting to question the benefits of being in a blame filled state. You see, blame leads to irritation, which leads to anger, and then moves on to resentment. No matter how valid the initial points are/were these emotions are not how God would have us walking around on earth. Religious or not, I am assuming everyone is on the same page about not walking around with loads of negative baggage hanging around our shoulders. It's bad, it's icky, it keeps others from seeing the glories of God, it keeps self and others from seeing the positive. As I was praying before bed last night, something happened that caused me to realize that all that's really needed is contentment. I may not like how hard a new curriculum at work is, but I can be content in the fact that I have work. I may be irritated with my husband playing games and hanging out with friends, but I can be content with the life we have created with one another. I may be stressed to the max with school, but I can be content in knowing that in a short year I will be able to provide for my family twice as well as I am able to right now. And, lastly, I may be frustrated with certain friend situations, but I can be content that I have found out who will be in my inner circle and support me and my family through anything.

In other words, 2014 may not be as grand as last year, but I choose contentment for now, instead of dwelling on everything I wish I had, and wish could be.

"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need." - Philippians 4:11-12

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