Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fit: Finally, an Exercise Room

Photo Credit to
As said yesterday, I am working away at making one room in the house my workout haven. I do not like (really do not like) working out in front of other people. Even when I was thin and belonged to a gym, I hated people watching me and would prefer to zone out and just get things done.

The thought/goal is that if I have my own space to do what I need to do, privately, I will have more incentive to work out with things that aren't on our Kinect. While my Your Shape Fitness and Zumba on the Kinect are awesome, I also know it does not replace weight lifting, biking, and other activities of the sort. Not only that, but it is a waste to own these things, and let them collect dust.

Since I December I have been telling people I was going to make an exercise room with our bike, weight bench, scale, and other workout equipment we have. I finally decided it was today, or never. I got into our guest room, vacuumed, steam cleaned, had the hubby haul the bike upstairs, threw away items we don't need, and below is the end result. It's not quite done yet, we still have the guest bed in there, but for now I can workout around it. I love that the bike is facing the window so that I have a view of outside (nothing worse than biking with the view of a white wall), or can prop up our Surface and watch a show whilst burning calories and shredding inches.

 I have not exercised yet today, but I vote cleaning up should count for something. I will bike a few minutes this evening, after the kids go to bed, and will adjust the weights to something I can use. Once the bed is out of the way, I am going to set up a mini stretching/yoga center. Yippy!

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