Sunday, January 19, 2014

Kiddo Corner: American Girl Kiflis

Decked out in Grandma's work apron
My daughter was a lucky recipient of a Rebecca American Girl Doll this last Christmas.She received the doll from my parents, and they are doing their best to foster culture and history from the doll for her. The other day, my mom asked if she could see some of the foods that were mentioned in Rebecca. From the books we had, the list was fairly short, so we decided to Google and see what else we could come up with. A yummy link showed us Kiflis, and the recipe was directly from the American Girl magazine. Not only that, but this is something that someone of Eastern European Jewish decent would have eaten (just like Rebecca).
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 1 cup cream cheese
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream
  • 2 cups flour
  • jam (we used raspberry)
Cream in together the butter, cream cheese, and sour cream. Then, add the flour and salt, at this point it is best to mix everything together by hand. The dough will be crumbly (like a biscuit dough), but do not worry. Simply remove from the bowl, and place on a lightly floured surface and knead. Once the dough is smooth, chill in the refrigerator for three hours. 

Once the dough has chilled, roll out on a lightly floured surface until approximately 1/8" thick. Now, cut the dough into squares that are about three inches. Place the squares on a cookie sheet (do not grease it), and spread jam diagonally across the square. Then fold two corners together, like a crescent, and bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees (word of warning, some times these come unrolled from the heat in the oven). If a more sweet taste is desired, dust with powdered sugar after they have cooled off.

Just before baking
Finished baking!
 She had an absolute blast making these with Grandma. Not only was it a learning experience, but she was able to bond with us and hear stories about how we learned to cook as kids. Definitely something we will be doing again, but with a different character!
Finished product!

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