Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday Fit-Day: The Great Kid Deal

My wonderful daughter and son

In my quest for fitness, it is increasingly difficult when the undesired foods/drinks are in the house because of my husband and kids. I know what you're probably thinking, they shouldn't have the junk foods either, right? Right. Except my house has two different rulers: Mom who is trying to put veggies and what not into everything and tries to drink water (or at least Crystal Light), and dad who believes long live the deep fryer, and large amounts of sugar. Our middle ground has been making pretty much two separate meals for everything, and since it's 3 to 1 in our home for simplicity I do end up going along with them a lot of the time.
Please let me make a few things clear, though, my kids are required to eat veggies every single day whether they like them or not and do get the required amount of milk they need and are part of tons of activities to keep them running around. The concern is the extras, the processed foods, fried foods, not so good snacks, and wanting to drink soda all the time. The things that shouldn't be around, but are.

And then, genius struck: Why not make a deal with the kids, one that will benefit all of us. So, here it is, my kids have agreed to only eat and drink what I do. That may sound like a "duh" type statement, but here is the catch. If I eat or drink anything not healthy on a non cheat day (Sundays are cheat days here since we are at the grandparents) then they get it too. Both of them have been given permission to check what I am eating/drinking at any point, and let me tell you they do. The other day I cheated and had some soda, and within two minutes both kids arrived with cups in hand for their bit.

We have tried this for a few days now and it has worked perfectly. Anytime the kids ask for something they shouldn't have, they get one look from me and walk off repeating to themselves "it's not Sunday yet." And, because I have many guilt issues I have refused to sneak anything "bad" when they are not around. Have we broken a few times on not so perfectly healthy things? Of course, but it has really helped in the restricting of things, and has also made us all think twice before consuming something that really isn't worth it.

So why not make your own deal to live healthier? Even if you do not have kids this checks and balances system works with friends, spouses, significant others, family, etc. Why not keep check on one another to live better and longer lives?

Now, if only I could get the hubby to dump the deep fryer and join in...

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