Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chefs de France Demi Poulet Fermier Roti, Pommes Rissolees and Tomate Grillee

Welcome everyone to day two of the 365 In Home Dining Challenge in Epcot's France. I chose this mean for sentimental reasons: first and foremost, I love almost anything French, second it's one of the first meals I had out after starting in the Disney College Program, and third it was the first sit down meal I shared with my now husband on our first vacation. Since coming home, I have replicated parts of the meal several times and decided doing it completely was the way I wanted to start this challenge. One quick note before we start, this meal is delicious and should definitely be tried whenever visiting Chefs de France; however, that being said I could not find an exact recipe and had to improvise based on similar recipes I researched, and my memory of the taste.

  • 1 chicken (medium sized foster farms is what option I had in my local store)
  • 1 cup of butter 
  • 2 cups extra virgin olive oil 
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt  
  • 6 large potatoes (or 16 russet potatoes depending on choice of taste) 
  • 3 tablespoons of chopped, flat parsley 
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 
  • 2 cups vegetable oil for frying 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  •  4 tomatoes (I only did 2 as I am the only tomato lover in my family) 
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. While this is being done, start prepping the chicken by placing in a baking dish and rubbing the skin with butter and then pouring on the extra virgin olive oil. Right before putting in the oven, sprinkle salt over the top. Bake for an hour, and baste regularly with the chicken juices mixed with butter/oil. Serve immediately after removing from the oven.

Now, while the wonderful chicken is cooking, begin preparing the potatoes. Start by heating up the cooking oil sauteing (another option, and more originally French, is to use duck fat instead of oil). While the oil is heating, make sure to rinse carefully, and then cut the potatoes into cubes (personally, I like to leave on the skins as it adds extra flavor and vitamins). After everything is cut, mix in the chopped parsley, extra virgin olive oil, and salt. Sautee the potatoes until cooked through.
Finally, start the tomatoes by cutting them up, and gently pushing out the seeds and gooey insides. Place them inside a pan that has been drizzled with extra virgin olive oil (also drizzle oil on top of the tomatoes) and sprinkle salt on top. Grill these for 4-5 minutes or, if weather is not permitting, cook on top of the oven for the same amount of time on medium heat.

Now, plate your meal and enjoy!

Make sure to check out tomorrow's recipe with Krystal by going to www.partnersbehindthemouse.com

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