Tuesday, March 6, 2012

5K Training Mia Style

As many of you have heard by now, Krystal and I are starting to train for a 5K and, eventually, the Princess Half Marathon. And while, for some, a 5K shouldn't need a training strategy for me it definitely does. As you can see, I am not in the world's best of shape, though I do work out daily. My working out consists of kick boxing, going to the gym, and walking for 3+ miles.

Running, though, is something I am horrible at, and have little confidence in my ability of doing without a serious plan. Last year, a dear friend of mine purchased a book for me so that we could train to run/walk a half marathon. After reading the first few pages, I could not put it down as it was a truly hilarious and informative read. It actually gave me the confidence to stop walking, and give running a try. After a few weeks, my speed had increased and so had my distance; unfortunately, though, I had to put a pause on my training to have foot surgery. After a year, I feel recovered enough to try running again.

As you can see, the book has been read through a few times (my husband also picked up this gem, and agrees it is not just for women). And though it is for training to run/walk a marathon (or half), I am using the principles and encouragement to simply get back into things. I'm using it to will myself to do this again. It is possible for an out of shape mom to run in public.

To start, I will be alternating between running and walking. Per books and everything I've read online I need to set a time limit; however, my body cannot handle that yet. So I will be running for as long as my body can handle it, and then walk for a short distance, then run again. Within a week I should be to a point that I can actually use a timing method. To ensure that I actually pick up my speed, I will "run" with my dog. Trust me in saying, that she can be a bit Beethoven like, and will literally drag me down the street (does the "run" count if the person is doing so by brute force in a dragging manner?).

I'm also doing my best to increase water intake, as I have done very poorly on that and mainly substituted with diet soda in the past few months. Fast food is also out, in any form - same with eating out. The only part of this rule I will relax is that on Sundays I can have whatever, and do whatever, I want. I usually go out to eat with my family that day, and figure that one day off a week is a good compromise to good health. That and I don't think that I could survive without any sort of cheat day.

In order to encourage me, hubby went out and purchased me running shoes, and is making me break them in. I'm hoping on lots of encouragement from all of you as well, either on here or on twitter :)

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