Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Season of Being Content

Photo credit to
2013 was a very fulfilling year for me in almost all aspects. Were there down moments? Of course, life wouldn't be complete without them, but the majority of the time was filled with growth and happiness.

I cannot say the same for this current year. Though only a few weeks in, the whole dynamic of work and home life has shifted drastically. What was harmonious no longer is, what seemed simple and second nature is now full of second guessing. Needless to say, I have NOT been a happy camper! And, I'm pretty certain, everyone knows it.

I have been internally stewing over the causes, and with all the stewing, and praying, I've been doing I am certain that I am not misplacing blame; however, I am starting to question the benefits of being in a blame filled state. You see, blame leads to irritation, which leads to anger, and then moves on to resentment. No matter how valid the initial points are/were these emotions are not how God would have us walking around on earth. Religious or not, I am assuming everyone is on the same page about not walking around with loads of negative baggage hanging around our shoulders. It's bad, it's icky, it keeps others from seeing the glories of God, it keeps self and others from seeing the positive. As I was praying before bed last night, something happened that caused me to realize that all that's really needed is contentment. I may not like how hard a new curriculum at work is, but I can be content in the fact that I have work. I may be irritated with my husband playing games and hanging out with friends, but I can be content with the life we have created with one another. I may be stressed to the max with school, but I can be content in knowing that in a short year I will be able to provide for my family twice as well as I am able to right now. And, lastly, I may be frustrated with certain friend situations, but I can be content that I have found out who will be in my inner circle and support me and my family through anything.

In other words, 2014 may not be as grand as last year, but I choose contentment for now, instead of dwelling on everything I wish I had, and wish could be.

"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need." - Philippians 4:11-12

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Kiddo Corner: American Girl Kiflis

Decked out in Grandma's work apron
My daughter was a lucky recipient of a Rebecca American Girl Doll this last Christmas.She received the doll from my parents, and they are doing their best to foster culture and history from the doll for her. The other day, my mom asked if she could see some of the foods that were mentioned in Rebecca. From the books we had, the list was fairly short, so we decided to Google and see what else we could come up with. A yummy link showed us Kiflis, and the recipe was directly from the American Girl magazine. Not only that, but this is something that someone of Eastern European Jewish decent would have eaten (just like Rebecca).
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 1 cup cream cheese
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream
  • 2 cups flour
  • jam (we used raspberry)
Cream in together the butter, cream cheese, and sour cream. Then, add the flour and salt, at this point it is best to mix everything together by hand. The dough will be crumbly (like a biscuit dough), but do not worry. Simply remove from the bowl, and place on a lightly floured surface and knead. Once the dough is smooth, chill in the refrigerator for three hours. 

Once the dough has chilled, roll out on a lightly floured surface until approximately 1/8" thick. Now, cut the dough into squares that are about three inches. Place the squares on a cookie sheet (do not grease it), and spread jam diagonally across the square. Then fold two corners together, like a crescent, and bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees (word of warning, some times these come unrolled from the heat in the oven). If a more sweet taste is desired, dust with powdered sugar after they have cooled off.

Just before baking
Finished baking!
 She had an absolute blast making these with Grandma. Not only was it a learning experience, but she was able to bond with us and hear stories about how we learned to cook as kids. Definitely something we will be doing again, but with a different character!
Finished product!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fit: Finally, an Exercise Room

Photo Credit to
As said yesterday, I am working away at making one room in the house my workout haven. I do not like (really do not like) working out in front of other people. Even when I was thin and belonged to a gym, I hated people watching me and would prefer to zone out and just get things done.

The thought/goal is that if I have my own space to do what I need to do, privately, I will have more incentive to work out with things that aren't on our Kinect. While my Your Shape Fitness and Zumba on the Kinect are awesome, I also know it does not replace weight lifting, biking, and other activities of the sort. Not only that, but it is a waste to own these things, and let them collect dust.

Since I December I have been telling people I was going to make an exercise room with our bike, weight bench, scale, and other workout equipment we have. I finally decided it was today, or never. I got into our guest room, vacuumed, steam cleaned, had the hubby haul the bike upstairs, threw away items we don't need, and below is the end result. It's not quite done yet, we still have the guest bed in there, but for now I can workout around it. I love that the bike is facing the window so that I have a view of outside (nothing worse than biking with the view of a white wall), or can prop up our Surface and watch a show whilst burning calories and shredding inches.

 I have not exercised yet today, but I vote cleaning up should count for something. I will bike a few minutes this evening, after the kids go to bed, and will adjust the weights to something I can use. Once the bed is out of the way, I am going to set up a mini stretching/yoga center. Yippy!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fit: One Step at a Time

Me September 2001

Me January 2014

Anyone who reads this blog knows I've had a long term struggle with weight. Years long. And I have had many bouts of giving up and not trying, and am currently coming out of one of those ruts. I have decided to give it another go, but be more realistic. And much more honest with myself. Part of the honesty is in seeing how bad things have actually become. It is hard to see pictures of myself from before (when I thought I had a weight problem, and really didn't), and look in the mirror now. Part of being realistic is in me accepting that pounds lost is not what I should focus on. It's so hard for me to shed anything beyond six pounds, and I've been told by a doctor and trainer that I just may not lose as easily anymore, and to embrace it. So I'm going to. I'm going to embrace that pounds lost will probably not be coming. What I will focus on, though, are inches lost, more energy, agility, and feeling more confident. Will I weight myself? Of course, but I will not dwell on it. I plan on measuring my waist, hips, thighs, abs, and arms on Sunday and will probably post the results (if not, I will be tracking on My Fitness Pal). So, what I'm trying to say, is that instead of focusing on pounds lost I will be celebrating in anything being reduced on my tape measure. Weekly, I will update how I am doing, and what I have been doing, to get back to a better me.

First up, turning our guest room (that is never used) into a work out room. We already have a full weight bench, and exercise bike, so I just need them together in the room and arranged so that a show can be watched while biking or something to help pass the time. Also, I will be doing some form of working out every single day. Oh, and in addition to that, I will be greatly reducing the number of meals we eat out. I have yet to decide how I'll do this, but am looking into pre making, and freezing, lots of meals every weekend. More to come on that :)

 So far this last week I have gotten myself moving again. It's surprising to me that 16 minutes of working out has me so sore and winded, when last October I was Mrs. Workout and it took a lot to give me sore muscles (was up to 250 squats a day). A few months off has left me winded, sore, aching, and not wanting to do more, but I keep pushing along. I have started using my exercise bike a few minutes a day, have been using the boot camp in Your Shape Fitness, and have started walking a few miles a day several times a week.

The last thing I will say that I am going to do is limit tv time. I find even though I spend lots of time on the computer, and sitting at work, that I am able to find ways to sneak in activity doing that, whereas when I get sucked into the tv I just sit. For example, while writing this, I took a break and got up to do the dishes, plug my Kindle into the charger, and work on some laundry. Though I know there will be times I am just exhausted, and tv (or the Kindle) is my solution, I will greatly limit those moments and focus more on other things. So long, now, until next week!