Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Road to Fit

Almost everyone I know tries to get fit in one way or another, and whether it's really needed or not. I have definitely been among those seeking and striving to look and feel better. After having my second child, my body morphed into being an out of control blob that I have finally come to terms with. The terms being that this out of control blob needs to get healthy, fast. And, by healthy, I don't necessarily mean to focus on the pounds lost.

In the last year, I have realized that living healthy is more important than what the scale (or pesky tags on the clothes) read. So, in talking with a friend yesterday, I have come up with a personal reward system towards a fitter, healthier lifestyle. Before I lay out what the plans are, I will say I am doing this to live the longest possible,  to actually "live" while I'm alive, and to show my kids anything is possible. And, last but not least, to feel like myself again in clothes, during activities, and any time I look in a mirror.

Knowing me, any plan that is long term will have something to do with either France or Disney. This particular one is Disney based. My family and I have a trip we are in the middle of planning, and it's for us to head to "the World" next spring. I am using that as my catalyst to literally catapult myself towards better choices. Each step in my planning program will be based around my health choices. Every time I make the right choices for a full week in drinking the correct amount of water (and diet soda, as a treat, only on Sunday) and white tea, then I will deposit $5.00 in the Disney fund. Whenever I make the proper food choices for a full week (also taking away Sunday as it is a "cheat" day), and eat what has been prepared at home, I will add $10.00 to the Disney fund. Whenever I work out three times a week (working out is outside of the realm of walking, which I already do. So it is actually an aerobic activity lasting longer than 20 minutes) I will add $5.00 a week.

Another way to get myself moving is to not allow myself to actually book our family trip until I have lost 20 pounds. So, though I know Disney has not opened up next years booking, I know that they usually do mid-summer. Which means that I have 6+ weeks to lose 20 pounds, or else I have to keep my travel agent (whom I have already contacted) waiting until the scale reaches what I contracted with myself. The same will go for ADR's, I will not make them until I have hit 45 pounds lost. That means if day 180 hits, and I have not budged more than the initial 20, I will not be picking up the phone to make those ADR's.

Also, any time that I "slip-up" I will be detracting from my funds for that week. For example, if I break and have a Diet Coke on Monday, I will take away $0.25 from the $5.00 I would be putting into the fund at the end of the week. Hopefully this will keep falling away from my goals to a minimum.

I am very excited to give this a try, as I know I am at the end of where I should be health wise, and that I want to be the best I can be for my family, God, myself, and my community. So let the Disney get fit times begin!

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