Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cranky Mommy - End of the Soda Era

A week ago today I blogged and said that I would cease drinking soda, minus a one day a week cheat day. I have, officially, been soda free for one full week! It feels great to accomplish a goal that I set down in print, and shared with the world. It has not, however, been easy.

To be honest, I had visions of drinking water/Crystal Lite and feeling healthy, rejuvenated, and energetic. Instead, what I got was a migraine. Let me clarify, from day one through to day 6 I had a migraine to the point I wanted someone to take an ax and chop my head off. Even migraine medicine (with it's weeny'ish amount of caffeine) didn't do the trick to give relief. I caved one day and had a small mocha and that didn't do anything. What I did notice, though, was that each day the migraine and sluggish feeling lessened (not by much, but enough to have some hope and a pin prick of light at the end of the tunnel).

This has made me cranky. I'm cranky towards myself, my parents, my kids, my husband, the kids I work with. You name it. Yet I continued to plug along. At my son's 5th birthday party I was somewhat sullen, head pounding, trying to seek meaning in the idiocy of a mere drink ruining my life. Then Sunday came, my cheat day. I made certain to drink plenty of water before finally drinking the diet coke I had so badly needed during the week. As I drank the soda, I realized that it did nothing for me. The taste was okay, but nothing to crave. I am happy to say that I drank way less than I normally would on a cheat day, and am contemplating not having it even then.

I will admit that, despite doing so well, I cheated today and had 1/4 of a can of Diet Coke. I don't even know why I did it, the migraine had left, I did not (and do not) miss the flavor. It was like a routine of needing something in the morning other than just water, a call that I answered. Yet when I started drinking it, I felt guilty, and ended up pouring it down the drain.

All in all, I feel this is great progress, and hope to see my body react to healthier drinks being put in it. Since the migraine has passed (hopefully for good), the energeticness and rejuvenation should start at some point.

Up next, working on the food intake for a healthier, less cranky, me!

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