Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Beginnings -Thursday Fitday!

After last week's wedding
Sorry for the off and on again posts in the last few months - things have been crazy here this summer between school, classes, kids, just general things in life. I will have to admit that my fitness regime has been almost as lax as my blog posts (rarely made it to the gym, but have been active otherwise). It has been discouraging because the gym I did belong too was not challenging me enough (Curves), and its hours just did not work with my schedule - why on earth did it close at 11:00am on Saturdays, for a three hour break midday during the week, and completely on Sundays??? After my workout, I barely broke a sweat and was almost never sore: A sure sign that not much was really being worked out. Miraculously, though, I have trimmed down a little over the past few weeks.

As of the first, my gym membership expires, and I know that it is not the gym for me to be renewing at. So, this morning, I was signed up for a regular gym. As odd as this will sound, I am actually nervous to be back into a normal workout routine. It has been so long since I actually lifted weights (Curves does not allow weights to be changed, they stay exactly the same for the half hour circuit), that I am positive I have lost almost all of my muscle ability to do anything. Nervous though I may be, I will start tomorrow at the gym and go at least 4 days a week (woot for the gym being open on Sunday!!!!) unless something comes along that does not allow my attendance. To start, I plan on biking for 20 minutes, elliptical for 5, and weights for 20. Eventually I will build up, but I feel this is a decent start to get back to where I was years ago.

Another new start for me are the shakes that Krystal (of started me on. They are the Body by Vi, and do well being a meal supplement. In the craze of the past few weeks I will admit that along with my shakes I have screwed up with my calories, but am hoping with things falling back into routine that my eating habits will as well. Please know I am not looking for a miracle of any sort, other than seeing myself start to lose.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Organization and the Busy Mom

I don't know about you, but most days it is a struggle for me to do everything that is required, plus more on the pesky to-do list. The end result is a catch all space for things I do not have time to figure out how to deal with, or don't know where it should go. And, lets be honest, between cooking, cleaning, getting kids ready, taking kids to practice, school (both for kids and self), helping the husband out, taking care of the dog (or other pet), volunteering, helping kids practice whatever class they're in, helping kids with homework, homework for self, etc that trying to come up with the energy to organize just doesn't come close to topping any list.

What I do know is this: An organized space (even if not perfect) will make life run much easier, and will provide more energy and less stress. Yes, that may seem obvious and unhelpful, but stay with me. All it takes to a more organized family unit is a few extra minutes a day. I read once that it really takes less than 20 minutes each day to choose a spot to start organizing and making better. Less than 20 minutes! No matter how busy you are, you can afford to give that time to less clutter!

Simply start by choosing the spot that feels the most frazzling (yes, clutter has a feeling), turn on the radio (or iPod) and crank up the tunes and start working away. Keep at it every day until that spot is done. If you feel on a roll and want to keep going, do it, but on the other days you feel like doing less break through the nagging urge and set a timer.

If music isn't your thing, use that time to chat with a friend on the phone, or play a movie in background, or a book recording. Something that will help you feel as though the time isn't just about getting more organized, but also giving a piece of "you time" at the same time. Either that or set up a reward system - say after the 20 minutes you will enjoy a wonderful glass of wine, or maybe a bath. Organizing should never feel like a drag!

One thing, though, make sure the clutter isn't moving from one space in your home to another: It does no good moving everything to the garage or a catch all room. Get rid of the excess and free your family and mind up. To keep things from being cluttered up again, have a donation month every year right after the holidays and save the receipts for the next years taxes.

So what are you waiting for, your 20 minutes is waiting for you!

Thursday Fit-Day: The Great Kid Deal

My wonderful daughter and son

In my quest for fitness, it is increasingly difficult when the undesired foods/drinks are in the house because of my husband and kids. I know what you're probably thinking, they shouldn't have the junk foods either, right? Right. Except my house has two different rulers: Mom who is trying to put veggies and what not into everything and tries to drink water (or at least Crystal Light), and dad who believes long live the deep fryer, and large amounts of sugar. Our middle ground has been making pretty much two separate meals for everything, and since it's 3 to 1 in our home for simplicity I do end up going along with them a lot of the time.
Please let me make a few things clear, though, my kids are required to eat veggies every single day whether they like them or not and do get the required amount of milk they need and are part of tons of activities to keep them running around. The concern is the extras, the processed foods, fried foods, not so good snacks, and wanting to drink soda all the time. The things that shouldn't be around, but are.

And then, genius struck: Why not make a deal with the kids, one that will benefit all of us. So, here it is, my kids have agreed to only eat and drink what I do. That may sound like a "duh" type statement, but here is the catch. If I eat or drink anything not healthy on a non cheat day (Sundays are cheat days here since we are at the grandparents) then they get it too. Both of them have been given permission to check what I am eating/drinking at any point, and let me tell you they do. The other day I cheated and had some soda, and within two minutes both kids arrived with cups in hand for their bit.

We have tried this for a few days now and it has worked perfectly. Anytime the kids ask for something they shouldn't have, they get one look from me and walk off repeating to themselves "it's not Sunday yet." And, because I have many guilt issues I have refused to sneak anything "bad" when they are not around. Have we broken a few times on not so perfectly healthy things? Of course, but it has really helped in the restricting of things, and has also made us all think twice before consuming something that really isn't worth it.

So why not make your own deal to live healthier? Even if you do not have kids this checks and balances system works with friends, spouses, significant others, family, etc. Why not keep check on one another to live better and longer lives?

Now, if only I could get the hubby to dump the deep fryer and join in...