Thursday, February 12, 2015

Simple Poems for My Loves

Today, Mama Kat asks that we "[w]rite a poem to your love for Valentine’s Day". I am not a poetic person, and have always struggled with any sort of creative writing. What I can do, though, is write a cinquain.

While it says to write it about my love, I want to write it for my two kids as well, as they are a part of my heart and were given to me by my husband. A day about love would not be complete without them!

 Friendly, talkative, unique
Lover of all things nerdy.
Supportive, humorous

Creative, helpful, passionate
Animal helper in the making.
Huggable, cuddly

Determined, intent, empathetic
The knowledge keeper of all things shark and dinosaur.
Playful, curious
Chef Bubba
Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. How sweet! I'm not a poetry person, so I didn't even attempt this particular prompt. I never thought about Haiku or Cinquans or other types of form poetry. Dangit! Now I want to go try.

    Jen - Pierced Wonderings

  2. I enjoyed your expressions of love, very nice. Stopping by from mama kats kelley at the road goes ever ever on

  3. Awww! You can feel the love! You've got a great crew!
