Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Introducing Kyle from Countdown to D23

Hello everyone! We hope you all have been enjoying the interviews with former cast members and our partners. To end the month, we have brought on Kyle from the blog Countdown to D23 ( Both Krystal and I are fortunate to be able to contribute to this wonderful blog, along with many other talented writers.

So please, enjoy the following information from Kyle, and tune in at 12pm pt to hear his full interview with myself and Krystal:

What started your passion in Disney?
I have been going to Disney parks since 1988. I was born into Disney and could not be more  happy about it

Have you ever worked for the Disney Company? If not, would you ever consider it?
Yes I worked at Epcot at Le Cellier over the summer of 2007

What makes you feel most connected to Disney?
Disney has always been in my life. Could not imagine my life without it.

Do you have a magical moment from visiting the parks?
A magical moment is every time I can go to the park

How did you and Marc meet?
Me and Marc met when he started his Discast podcast. I did a few segments for him and we    became friends.

What is the meaning behind the blog name Countdown to D23?
I started CDT23 to have a twitter account to follow all the news coming out of the expo. People loved the name and the rest is history

What is your and Marc's vision for the blog?
Our vision for the blog is to have a Disney blog that covers every inch of the company from  the parks, movies, cooking, tech etc

Are you currently looking for any additional bloggers and, if so, what requirements do you have in order to write for the blog?
At this time no but towards the New Year yes we will

Everyone please take some time to look at Kyle and Marc's blog creation at You can also follow them on twitter @CountdownToD23

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Full Interview with Chelsea

hank you for listening to today's show. We were so happy and excited to have Chelsea on the show. As a bonus feature, Krystal and I decided to include some extra Q&A's that we did not have time to include on air. Enjoy!

1. When did you initially apply for the Walt Disney College Program?
I initially applied for the DCP in the fall of 2009 for the spring semester. I heard about the program from one of my professors and couldn't wait to apply. I applied the first day the application was available.

2. How did you feel about the orientation/interview for the College Program?
My interviewer was really friendly and made me feel at ease throughout the entire interview. What's really funny is that during my phone interview the smoke detector went off! The interviewer if we needed to reschedule the phone call and I told her that nothing was going to stop me from that interview. I was getting to Disney one way or another.

3. Do you have any tips for our listeners on preparing for the interview.
Relax, take a deep breath, and have fun! They're looking for people who are excited to be a part of the program. I really enjoyed talking with someone who was excited about working for Disney as I am! Don't forget to smile! As silly as it sounds, it really made the interview much easier.

4. What top three roles did you pick?
I was extremely determined to work in entertainment when I initially applied, but I also put attractions as a possible option. I ended up getting a role in attractions that was far better than I could have ever asked for.

5. What role did you have, and what park were you placed in?
I worked at Kilimanjaro Safaris in Animal Kingdom, which was without a doubt the best job I've ever had. I loved every day that I got to go into work as a safari driver. Each and every day was different, every 20 minutes was something new! I learned how to drive a two ton safari truck, memorized an 18 page script, and learned about dozens of animals in less than five days. I was charged by rhinos, had giraffes brush right by the windows, and saw lions roar just a few feet away from me. I loved that job.

6. What was your favorite thing about being a cast member?
I have to pick just one?! I loved, and still do, being a cast member at the happiest place on earth. What was really great was being able to get off work at 5, then rallying my friends to go have fireworks and dole whip in front of the castle. You can't have an experience like that just anywhere.

7. Other than being a campus rep, do you ever see yourself working for the Disney Company again?
Without a doubt! Working at Disney World has become my career goal. I love sharing my experiences with others as a campus rep. In the spring I'm planning on applying for a professional internship for next fall. I'm graduating in May, and I absolutely cannot wait to continue my career with the Disney company.

8. What process did you go through to become a campus rep?
After I finished my college program, I stayed seasonal for a year with Kilimanjaro Safaris. I decided that the next natural step was to become a campus rep to encourage other passionate students to apply for an internship that would change their life like it did mine. I wrote a cover letter, attached my resume and references, and waited (impatiently) for an interview. I actually got a skype interview with the person who would end up being my recruiter. The interview went great, and I was offered the position before the interview was over! After the paperwork was all sorted out, it became official. I was, once again, proud to call myself a cast member.

9. What have you done so far on your campus to spread the Disney magic?
I am currently the only campus representative for my university, as well as the first one that I know of. I love spreading the magic and sharing my love of Disney with others. I hold information sessions about the program, what to expect, when to apply, and what my experience was like. I also paper the campus with marketing about the program. It's hard to go into a building on my campus with seeing a Disney flyer, poster, or table tent. It's the most wonderful job!

10. Do you have a magical moment that happened while you were a cast member to share with us?
I have many magical memories of my time as a safari driver. Something that started as a magical moment for someone else ended up being one of my favorite Disney memories that I will always cherish. I got the chance to give a private safari to a mother and a daughter who were on their dream Disney vacation. The daughter was with the make-a-wish foundation and was ecstatic to see all of the animals on safari. We laughed and talked throughout the whole "two weeks" we were gone, and it honestly made my day a lot better. When I drove back to the dock to let them both off to continue their day, the girl showed me her autograph book that had the signatures of all the characters she had met so far on her vacation. Among them were Mickey and Minnie, Aurora and Snow White, and of course my favorite Disney princess, Cinderella. Opposite Cinderella's page, the girl asked me to sign her autograph book because she enjoyed the safari I gave her. I was so touched by this small gesture, and I'll never forget that young girl who made my day.

Mickey Cupcakes

Hey Everyone! Welcome to this months Bibbidi Bobbidi Bake with Mia. I really hope you all enjoyed listening to the show, and will try out these delicious cupcakes!

What is wonderful about these cupcakes is the small list of ingredients. All you will need is :

1 cake mix (plus ingredients listed on the box)
1 package of Oreo's
1. box of whipping cream
1/2 cup of sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
1 paint brush

Serving: Yields 18 cupcakes

So, what I did first was use a chocolate cake mix (or substitute any other flavor) and added a few dollops of sour cream (this just adds a little extra moisture to the cake, and doesn't leave behind any flavor). While the cupcakes were baking I started to make some homemade caramel. Though this sounds difficult, it's actually really easy. All it takes is putting the can of sweetened condensed milk in a pot of boiling water for 2 hours (you have to make sure the can stays covered by water, and is always laying on its side or else the pressure can cause an explosion). By the end of the boiling process you get a delicious, and rich, caramel.

While everything cools, start making up some homemade whip cream to substitute as frosting. Just poor the whole container of whipping cream into a bowl and start mixing until peaks form. At that point, gradually add sugar and vanilla. Once that is done, whip on high until at your choice of consistency. I like mine a bit on the stiff side, so I whipped it for about 2 more minutes.
After this is done, take a paint brush and dip it into the caramel. From here, take an Oreo and paint a Mickey directly on top of it and immediately put into the freezer for about 2 minutes. While the cookies are in the freezer, cover all the cupcakes in the whip cream and drizzle some of the caramel on top. Then, one the design on the cookie is firm, place the Mickey designed Oreo standing up in the middle of the cupcake.

Upcoming confections - next month I will be featuring a chocolate yule log (also known as Buche de Noel) with hints from Beauty and the Beast. This has always been popular with my family during the holidays, and adds an extra layer of beauty to any holiday table!