Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Reading the Painless Way

One of the best children's books ever written!
The summer months are upon us, which should mean days filled with sunshine, laughter, sprinklers, and playing outside. It also means a break from school, which can lead to a loss of learning by the time August/September comes around.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am the first person to line up and say kids should be kids. Let them be free to develop their imaginations, and play before adult hood hits. As a teacher-in-training, though, I also feel bound to keeping my children from the summer slide which inevitably will leave them with questions and confusion the first few weeks of school.

In my house, we have found a solution with an earning system: 20 minutes of reading a day earns them technology time, as that is what they view as a treat. 20 simple minutes is enough to keep their brains wired for learning, not forget the word patterns their teachers mercilessly drilled into their heads, and as an added bonus it will also open their worlds up to an even bigger land of imagination.

It's such an easy thing to do, head to the local library and check out some cool, new books (I personally recommend Molly Lou Melon, she's the best!), quickly review the book before your child starts, then set the timer and be prepared to as them for a minute recap when they're done to assure they actually read the book instead of staring blankly at the pages. Work together to come up with a free reward that can be earned with reading, maybe it's daily, or maybe 5 days in a row earns them staying up an hour past bedtime. It's a way to be creative, yet easily achieve greatness!

What about you, what are some of your summer tips to keep your little ones mentally active?

Saturday, June 28, 2014

And the Word of the Day Is...

Let me say that I firmly believe in helping out when possible. Communities thrive when people pitch in and volunteer, churches become stronger, and families are saved from loads of stress when a few hours of time are given to them. This, in fact, is something that I have tried to instill in my children: Time is a gift, and is important to give others.  I feel so strongly about this that I volunteer at our church, and can be found teaching Sunday school, assisting other Sunday school teachers, helping out with the Christmas musical, help out at the annual sports camp, and babysit when needed - to me, children learn by seeing almost more than hearing and I intend that they see me practicing what I preach.

In saying all of this, I have become very aware recently that I need to teach myself, and my kids, that saying no is important as well. To be a successful busy mom means that I know how to look at everything I have selected in my life, and divide my time out to things I value, things with a high return for my family, and things I am able to rejuvenate myself from. Not only that, but I need to remember that God did not give me a cape and label me "Super-Mom", I will not wreck the world if I choose to limit my "yes"es.

Recently, I have become tired in just thinking about all I have to do every day. Deadlines loom in my mind, dreams have flooded my nights about the things that are waiting for me. Irritability is the mommy crown I wear daily (as proof, my daughter told me the other day "it's okay you're grouchy, mommy, some moms are like that when they're really busy"). On top of it all, it feels like I am getting requests daily for more pieces of myself. Pieces that would be simple to give if I had more available. As I released about all of this to two friends, I was told to just say no. How simple is that? One word with two letters, and no apologies attached. A guilt free, powerful (but small) statement to start throwing the mental stress off a cliff.

So, for any of you mom's out there that may feel like you're drowning, don't let your mouth say the opposite of your mind. As more comes to you that is not a necessity, declare, without guilt, that no you will not be taking part in whatever it is that will take precious, sanity saving, moments away from you. Repeat after me "no", and end it there.
photo credit to

With any of you reading this that know me personally, yes this means that I am off the table for any extra anything for the next two months. Any favor or volunteer requests may be submitted to me September first, until then the answer is "no" with no apologies :)